/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Programmatically accept an appointment
October 29, 2002 at 7:44 am #3892
I’m cloning appointments and sending them to a new date but I’m having difficulty auto accepting them. Also, does anyone know how to set a custom date field to nothing once its got a date in it.
October 30, 2002 at 2:52 pm #6531
My understanding is that custom fields do not contain null values in the true sense of the word. To add a custom field, you must first create a field definition, then add a field object to the appropriate object in the message store using the definition (i.e. address book entry, calendar entry etc). When you add the field to the object, you must provide a value for the field at the same time. In order to ‘remove’ the value you need to either provide a value to represent a null (i.e. with string custom fields you need to set the value to a space character in order to ‘clear’ its value). For example, you could set the date field to date representing a null value as far as your application is concerned (such as 1/1/1899). Howver, this could be an issue if you display the value somewhere in the GroupWise client. Your other option would be to remove the field object from the message that contained it. Of course, you would have to modify your applet to take this into account when trying to read the value of the custom date field.
In terms of auto-excepting appointments, could you post an example of what you have tried so far.
Advansys Support
November 6, 2002 at 11:47 am #6526Here’s a brief description of what this applet is suppose to do.
We are using another applet to export our calendars from GW to .csv files, which are then uploaded to our website content management system and displayed to the public.
Each Posted Appointment (event) can have several status categories, which are assigned through the use of a custom field. The categories are Active, Canceled, Postponed, and Rescheduled. Posted appointments or events that are rescheduled are cloned, in order to preserve all event information (mainly attachments) and the startdate and status is reset. The startdate is set to the new event date and the status is set to active or “”. This is modelled of one of your sample applets.
When the new Posted Appointment is created through the clone method (which works) it is sent to the sender of it’s parent. It then must be accepted by the user. Posted Appointments don’t need to be accepted…do they? It would be cleaner if the Posted Appointment could be auto accepted by the applet. The new Posted Appointment doesn’t seem to be behaving like a true Posted Appointment.
I’ve tried this method on the new message with no luck:
Also, after the Posted Appointment is cloned it wont let me edit it again. In theory, the event can then be canceled…but whe I run the applet on this new cloned appointment and try to set the status again it says:
Message.Object C:Program FilesAdvansysFormativAF_EDIT_NEW.vbf Update access is denied to current user. at line 104, column 17
I’ve included the entire applet for your viewing pleasure…don’t laugh!! It’s my first time.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
scaldwell@ci.fayetteville.ar.us'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Insert your comments here '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Dialog Variables Dim Dialog1 Dim Dialog2 Dim Dialog3 Dim PriorityCtl Dim StatusCtl Dim DateCtl Dim TimeCtl Dim MemoCtl 'Miscellaneous Variables Dim Msg Dim Cmd Dim iCount Dim Field1 Dim Field2 Dim Field3 Dim Fields Dim FieldDefs Dim FieldObj1 Dim FieldObj2 Dim FieldObj3 Dim sIndex1 Dim sIndex2 Const CUSTOM_FIELD1 = "STATUS" Const CUSTOM_FIELD2 = "RESCDATE" Const CUSTOM_FIELD3 = "RESCREASON" Const CAPTION = "AccessFayetteville Calendar Tools" '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Main Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) 'Command Buttons cIntroDlg = 100 cSelectEdit = 101 cCheckReschedule = 102 cReschedule = 103 cExit = 999 'Set the default status to 0 sIndex1 = 1 sIndex2 = 0 'Set starting point Cmd = cIntroDlg Do While Cmd <> cExit If Cmd = cIntroDlg Then 'Get the number of messages selected iCount = Client.ClientState.SelectedMessages.count If iCount > 1 Then MsgBox("This applet only allows single calendar events to be edited") Cmd = cExit Else Set Msg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage AddFields FieldValues 'Check message priority and pass to form If Msg.Priority = 1 Then sIndex1 = 0 Elseif Msg.Priority = 2 Then sIndex1 = 1 Elseif Msg.Priority = 3 Then sIndex1 = 2 End If 'Checks that some text is in the status field before checking for values If IsObject(Field1) then 'Check custom status field for values and pass to form If Field1.Value = "Canceled" Then sIndex2 = 1 Elseif Field1.Value = "Postponed" Then sIndex2 = 2 Elseif Field1.Value = "Rescheduled" Then sIndex2 = 3 Else sIndex2 = 0 'blank value for status signifies Active event End If End If 'Create the Dialogs Call SetupIntroDlg(sIndex1, sIndex2) Select Case Dialog1.execute Case Btn1 Cmd = cSelectEdit Case Btn2 Cmd = cExit Case Else Cmd = cExit End Select End If End If If Cmd = cSelectEdit Then 'Update the priority field if the new priority is different from the old priority If (PriorityCtl.ItemIndex) <> sIndex1 Then Select Case PriorityCtl.ItemIndex Case 0 Msg.Priority = fgwLow Case 1 Msg.Priority = fgwNormal Case 2 Msg.Priority = fgwHigh End Select End If 'Update the status field if the new status is different from the old status If (StatusCtl.ItemIndex) = sIndex2 Then If Field1 = "Rescheduled" Then Cmd = cCheckReschedule Else Cmd = cExit End If Else If Field1 = "" Then Select Case StatusCtl.ItemIndex Case 1 Call Fields.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD1, fgwString, "Canceled") Case 2 Call Fields.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD1, fgwString, "Postponed") Case 3 Call Fields.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD1, fgwString, "Rescheduled") End Select Cmd = cCheckReschedule ElseIf Field1 = "Canceled" Then MsgBox("CANCELED items may not be changed") Cmd = cIntroDlg ElseIf Field1 = "Postponed" Then Select Case StatusCtl.ItemIndex Case 1 Call Fields.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD1, fgwString, "Canceled") Case 3 Call Fields.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD1, fgwString, "Rescheduled") End Select If StatusCtl.ItemIndex = 1 or StatusCtl.ItemIndex = 3 Then Cmd = cCheckReschedule Else MsgBox("POSTPONED items may only be CANCELED or RESCHEDULED") Cmd = cIntroDlg End If ElseIf Field1 = "Rescheduled" Then MsgBox("Only the explanation of a RESCHEDULED item may be changed") Cmd = cCheckReschedule End If End If End If 'MsgBox(Field1) 'MsgBox(StatusCtl.ItemIndex) If Cmd = cCheckReschedule Then If Field1 = "Rescheduled" Then Call SetupExpDlg Select Case Dialog3.execute Case Btn1 Cmd = cReschedule Case Btn2 Cmd = cReschedule Case Else Cmd = cExit End Select ElseIf StatusCtl.ItemIndex = 3 AND Field1 <> "Rescheduled" Then Call SetupSuppDlg Select Case Dialog2.execute Case Btn1 Cmd = cReschedule Case Btn2 Cmd = cReschedule Case Else Cmd = cExit End Select End If End If If Cmd = cReschedule Then If (MemoCtl.Text = "") OR (MemoCtl.Text = " ") Then MsgBox("Explanations are REQUIRED for all rescheduled events") Cmd = cCheckReschedule Else 'If original is reschedule then only update the explanation If Field1 = "Rescheduled" Then Call Fields.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD3, fgwString, MemoCtl.Text) Cmd = cExit 'If the new status is reschedule then add new date/time and explanation ElseIf (StatusCtl.ItemIndex = 3) Then DT = (DateCtl.Date) + (TimeCtl.Time) If (Msg.StartDate) = DT Then MsgBox("The RESCHEDULED date and time must be different from the original") Cmd = cCheckReschedule Else Call Fields.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD2, fgwDate, DT) Call Fields.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD3, fgwString, MemoCtl.Text) Call CreateNewEvent Cmd = cExit End If End If End If End If Loop ' Refresh view Call GroupWise.Refresh 'Clean up variables Set Fields = nothing Set Field1 = nothing 'Set Field2 = nothing Set Field3 = nothing Set FieldObj1 = nothing Set FieldObj2 = nothing Set FieldObj3 = nothing Set Dialog1 = nothing Set Dialog2 = nothing Set Dialog3 = nothing Set PriorityCtl = nothing Set StatusCtl = nothing Set DateCtl = nothing Set MemoCtl = nothing Set Msg = nothing End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Creates a new message when an event is rescheduled '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CreateNewEvent Dim objAppt Dim objNewAppt Dim objRecipient Dim NewAddress NewAddress = Msg.Sender ' Create a copy of the original Posted Appointment substituted the new date for the StartDate Set objAppt = Msg.Clone ' Set the recipient equal to the original sender which was ourself Set objRecipient = objAppt.Recipients.Add(NewAddress,,0) With objAppt '.OnCalendar = TRUE '.Priority = Msg.Priority '.FromText = "Auto Generated Event" '.Place = Msg.Place .StartDate = (DateCtl.Date) + (TimeCtl.Time) '.EndDate = DT + 1 '.Subject = Msg.Subject '.BodyText.PlainText = Msg.BodyText End With objAppt.Accept("Accept") ' Get Fields of new message Set Fields = objAppt.Fields ' Set Status of new message to normal Call Fields.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD1, fgwString, " ") ' Send Message Set objNewAppt = objAppt.Send ' Clean up Set objRecipient = Nothing Set objAppt = Nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Adds the custom fields if they do not exist '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AddFields Set FieldDefs = GroupWise.Account.FieldDefinitions On Error Resume Next Set FieldObj1 = FieldDefs.Item(CUSTOM_FIELD1, fgwString) Set FieldObj2 = FieldDefs.Item(CUSTOM_FIELD2, fgwDate) Set FieldObj3 = FieldDefs.Item(CUSTOM_FIELD3, fgwString) ' If the custom fields don't exist in the field definitions then add them. If FieldObj1 Is Nothing Then Call FieldDefs.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD1, fgwString) Elseif FieldObj2 Is Nothing then Call FieldDefs.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD2, fgwDate) Elseif FieldObj3 Is Nothing then Call FieldDefs.Add(CUSTOM_FIELD3, fgwString) End If ' Refresh view Call GroupWise.Refresh End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Get the values of the custom fields '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FieldValues ' Contains all field objects for the current message Set Fields = Msg.Fields On Error Resume Next ' Finds the specified field objects and there values Set Field1 = Fields.Item(CUSTOM_FIELD1, fgwString) 'Set Field2 = Fields.Item(CUSTOM_FIELD2, fgwDate) Set Field3 = Fields.Item(CUSTOM_FIELD3, fgwString) End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Dialog to edit the status dialog of the event '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SetupIntroDlg(sIndex1, sIndex2) Set Dialog1 = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog With Dialog1 .Height = 240 .Caption = CAPTION .Title = "Event Classification" .ShowWizardImage = FALSE End With Set PriorityCtl = Dialog1.AddRadioGroupControl With PriorityCtl .Caption = "Priority" .Items.Add("Low") .Items.Add("Normal") .Items.Add("High") .ItemIndex = sIndex1 .Height = 40 .Columns = 3 .Hint = "Select an event priority" End With Set StatusCtl = Dialog1.AddRadioGroupControl With StatusCtl .Caption = "Status" .Items.Add("Active") .Items.Add("Canceled") .Items.Add("Postponed") .Items.Add("Rescheduled") .ItemIndex = sIndex2 .Height = 60 .Columns = 2 .Hint = "Select an event status" End With End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Dialog to edit reschedule information for an event '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetupSuppDlg Set Dialog2 = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog With Dialog2 .Height = 460 .Caption = CAPTION .Title = "Reschedule Information" .ShowWizardImage = FALSE End With Set DateCtl = Dialog2.AddDateTimeControl with DateCtl .Caption = "Reschedule Date To:" .Kind = fdtkDate .Date = Msg.StartDate .MinDate = Date .CaptionWidth = iCaptWidth .CaptionAlign = ftaRightJustify .Hint = "Enter a new date for this event" end with Set TimeCtl = Dialog2.AddDateTimeControl with TimeCtl .Caption = "Reschedule Time To:" .Kind = fdtkTime .Time = Msg.StartDate .CaptionWidth = iCaptWidth .CaptionAlign = ftaRightJustify .Hint = "Enter a new time for this event" end with Set MemoCtl = Dialog2.AddMemoControl with MemoCtl .Caption = "I am rescheduling this event because:" .ScrollBars = 4 .Text = field3 .CaptionAlign = ftaRightJustify .WordWrap = TRUE .hint = "Enter an explanation for this reschedule" end with end Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Dialog to edit reschedule explanation '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetupExpDlg Set Dialog3 = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog With Dialog3 .Height = 425 .Caption = CAPTION .Title = "Reschedule Information" .ShowWizardImage = FALSE End With Set MemoCtl = Dialog3.AddMemoControl with MemoCtl .Caption = "Edit Explanation:" .ScrollBars = 4 .Text = field3 .CaptionAlign = ftaRightJustify .WordWrap = TRUE .hint = "Enter an explanation for this reschedule" end with end Function
November 6, 2002 at 3:02 pm #6530Thank you for your detailed posting.
Assuming you only wish to modify the properties of posted appointments, you don’t need to clone and send the original. Posted appointments are owned by the current account, which means you are free to modify most of the properties of the appointment directly, including custom field values.
It seems you wish to change the start date and/or duration of the posted appointment. You should be able to update the startdate and duration of the message directly. For example:
Set Msg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
Msg.StartDate =
Msg.Duration =There is no need to call the send method again, or call .Accept, as this is a posted appointment.
Note that this approach will cause the original posted appointment to be moved to the new date/time in the calendar. If for some reason you wish to retain a copy of the original event, then you must use clone. I don’t think that you would need to use the accept method (as this only pertains to non-posted appointments). In either case, you can only call the .Accept method on appointments that have been sent. In your example you are calling .Accept() prior to send, which will result in a security error message being generated.
In summary, if you simply wish to change the date/time of a personal/posted item, just change the appropriate properties of the object directly – there is no need to clone the message.
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
November 7, 2002 at 7:34 am #6527Thanks for your help. It is important that the original Posted Appointment be kept in the calendar and a new one created throught the clone method and posted on the new date. That way individuals referencing the calendar will be able to see a trail of events. When they look at the calendar they need to be able to see that the event on May 8, 2003 was rescheduled and what the new event date is. They can then find the new event which was cloned and sent to a new date and classified as an active event.
I’m running into problems editing the cloned Posted Appointment. When it is cloned it appears in both the calendar view and the mail view. I must then accept it to remove it from the mail view. This makes me think that it’s not acting like a true Posted Appointment. When I clone it I have to send it in order to get it from the draft message status to the calendar (don’t I?). I take the sender from the original Posted Appointment and make that person (me in this case) the recipient of the cloned Posted Appointment. The problem editing problem comes up when the cloned Posted Appointment needs to be reclassed to canceled, or whatever, Groupwise says I don’t have rights to edit it. Is this because I sent it to my self…I thought that was how a Posted Appointment worked. Is there any way around this?
Thanks again
November 7, 2002 at 2:40 pm #6523Thanks for the additional information.
We are looking into this issue, and will post a response here as soon as possible.
Advansys Support
November 8, 2002 at 4:58 am #6524We hope the following code may help. Let us know if it does not.
const IDS_SELECT_APPT_MSG = "Select a posted personal appointment message to proceed." const IDS_SELECT_MSG = "Select a message to proceed." const IDS_MSG_CREATED = "Message created." const IDS_CAPTION = "Formativ Business Solutions" '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Main line processing '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim iMsg dim iNewMsg dim iCloneMsg On Error Resume Next Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage if isobject(iMsg) then ' Do we have an appointment message? if (instr(1, iMsg.ClassName, "GW.MESSAGE.APPOINTMENT", vbTextCompare) <> 0) then ' Clone the message set iCloneMsg = iMsg.Clone iCloneMsg.subject = "This is the clone message" ' Adds an existing Message object to this collection. (This method is available only in GroupWise 6.0, SP1 and later versions) set iNewMsg = groupwise.account.Calendar.Messages.AddExistingMessage(iMsg.sender.displayname, iMsg.sender.emailaddress, "NGW", iMsg.CreationDate, fgwPersonal, 0, fgwNormal, 0, iCloneMsg, iMsg.ModifiedDate) call msgbox(IDS_MSG_CREATED, vbInformation, IDS_CAPTION) else call msgbox(IDS_SELECT_APPT_MSG, vbInformation, IDS_CAPTION) end if else call msgbox(IDS_SELECT_MSG, vbInformation, IDS_CAPTION) end if set iMsg = nothing set iNewMsg = nothing set iCloneMsg = nothing End Sub
November 13, 2002 at 11:36 am #6533Your suggestion does exactly what I want. Thanks to all who participated in this discussion. I had yet to discover the AddExistingMessage method.
Your level of support is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time.
November 13, 2002 at 2:16 pm #6525Thank you for the feedback. Please let us know if we can assist further.
Advansys Support
November 20, 2002 at 5:53 am #6532This is in reference to the Clone Appointment code that Support 2 provied.
If I’m proxied to another account and select an appointment the cloned appointment is created in my own account. I would like to cloned appointment to be created in the account of the original posted appointment. Sorry I didn’t mention that before. Thanks for your help.
Scott Caldwell
November 20, 2002 at 3:52 pm #6529The technique suggested above, which uses Clone and AddExistingMessage, will only work within the currently logged in users account. It will not work when proxied to another account. This is because both methods/abojects are part of the GroupWise object API, which is an account-based API. The Account object referred to in the code is actually the account of the currently logged in user.
The only workaround would be to use the multilogin method. This method gives you a new account object representing another users account. You need to know the user name and password of the other user to use this method.
You can access another users account object by doing something like this:
set iAccount = GroupWise.Session.MultiLogin(UserID,,Password)
UserID and Password are both strings.
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
November 21, 2002 at 6:07 am #6528How does GroupWise itself handle this? When I proxy to an account it doesn’t require me to login. It only requires that the other account grant me proxy rights. Is this functionality that is unexposed in Formativ? I am using the technique you described to export calendar items from a proxied account.
Is there a way to have the Account object change when you use the built-int proxy process in GroupWise? I am new to this development environment so this question may be odd. I am just trying to make this as seamless as possible. It would be nice to just click the proxy button at the bottom of the main groupwise window….add calendar items, edit calendar items with thier new status, and export them to a csv without having to use the multilogin. The security exists for this to occur without using multilogin, so why is it not possible to do it. It may be that it’s not possible to do it easily. I’ll understand that.
Thanks for your help and advice.
Scott Caldwell
November 21, 2002 at 2:34 pm #6522GroupWise doesn’t use its own API. When you proxy, GroupWise uses it’s own internal processes to provide the functionality you see. Formativ cannot expose this behaviour to third parties.
The GroupWise programming interface, broadly speaking, is divided into two main areas:
1) The Object API, which is used to access data that exists in the message store. The Object API is account-based, and is not associated with the GroupWise user interface in any way. For example, you don’t even need to see any GroupWise UI in order use the Object API. The Object API exposes the Clone and AddExistingMessage methods you have used. Formativ fully exposes this API.
2) The Token API. The Token API represents the commands that you generally execute from the client, such as created a new email message and seeing the new email message compose dialog appear. The Token API commands operate on the client in whatever state it finds it. For example, if you proxy to another account then call a token that deletes the current item (owned by the user who’s account you proxied to), as long as you have the appropriate security the item is deleted.
There is no simple way I know of to have the Account object automatically login to the account you have just proxied to. While the security exists to access other items when you proxy to another account, this security is applied at the GroupWise client level, not the API level.
It may be possible to acheive much of what you need to do using the token commands. Have a look at the GroupWise.Item… commands in the language guide. These commands essentially map back to native GroupWise tokens, and operate on whatever items are currently selected (regardless of whether you have proxied or not). Also, have a look at the ItemListCreate commands. However, to use any objects or methods under the Account object (such as clone), you need to be logged into the account you wish to access.
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
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