/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Runtime / Installing for All Users

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  • #3716

      I am installing formativ runtime 2.0 for all users in my company. I have the install running on silent with the allusers and registration switches

      \CORESTORAGEUPDATESFormativformativruntime.exe /s /allusers /r-04xxx21xxx188-1CxxD13

      The silent and registration switches are both working.

      What I need to know is how do I change the control panel configuration to be the same on all machines. I have comtemplated exporting the registry hive for formativ and have that launch after the install.

      Is there a way to set these things up globally? The values that i need to assign are

      Update Applet Cache
      Enable intelligent caching

      Include eDirectory Groups
      10 OU serarch limit

      Netware Client

      If I set these locally for one user and log in another user, they are all back to default includeing the Netware client option which is how im distrubuting the applets. I have to roll this system out for Monday. Thanks

    • Author
    • #5900


        I tried setting the following settings from a config file called formativconfig.txt with these values in it

        Create Settings for All Users=1

        so the install line looks like this now

        \CORESTORAGEUPDATESFormativformativruntime.exe /s /allusers /r-040xxxFRxxx8-1Cxxx13 /i-formativconfig.txt

        It still isnt working :/

        Edited for registration key, oops

        Support 2


          The /allusers switch is valid for Formativ Solution Installers but not the Framework products, such as Formativ Runtime.

          As we have not yet had similar problem reports, there is no obvious reason why your settings in the formativconfig.txt are not working. I presume your formativconfig.txt file is in the same folder as the Runtime installer? Are any settings being changed by the config file?

          Are you able to send a copy of the formativconfig.txt to support@advansyscorp.com?

          I suspect that the default Registry settings for Formativ Runtime should meet your requirements. The default setting should be the NetWare Client as the primary choice and if it is not available (it will be available in your case) it would default to LDAP.


          Advansys Support

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