/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Question: SelectDirectoryDlg Functionality

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  • #3853

      I have tried using the SelectDirectoryDlg object but have found that it is lacking a couple of pieces of functionality that I need.

      1. Cannot create a new folder

      2. Passing in a default selected directory. i.e. – I want the root as “c:”, but I would like the default selected directory to be “c:users”. If I set the root to “c:users” then I have no way of moving back up the directory tree.

      Is your SelectDirectoryDlg using the Windows BrowseForFolder object?

      Thank you for your time!


      p.s. – I’m just starting to review your product, but it’s looking great so far!

    • Author
    • #6407
      Support 2

        Hi Jo,

        As the answer requires a little more explanation, we will respond when we return from BrainShare next week.

        Thanks for your patience.


        Advansys Support


          Thank you for your response. I’ll try and be a little more descriptive on what I am trying to do.

          1. I’ve used Windows BrowseForFolder API calls before, and Windows has the option of having a “New Folder” button along with a “Folder:” edit control to create new folders inside of the BrowseForFolder Dialog. (You can see an example of this functionality by going to “StartSearchFilesFoldersLookInBrowse…”)
          Is it possible to get that same functionality with your SelectDirectoryDlg Object?

          2. I am storing the users last used windows directory loction in the registry. When opening the SelectDirectoryDlg object, I would like to set the .root to “c:”, but then automatically expand to the users last used directory. I have been able to do this using Windows API calls, and am just wondering if there is a way to do it with your SelectDirectoryDlg object.

          My assumption in all of this (probably incorrect), is that your SelectDirectoryDlg object is actually a call to the Windows API BrowseForFolder object.

          I thank you again for any assistance that you are able to provide!

          Joe Hruska

          Support 1a

            Hi Joe,

            Thanks for the additional information.

            The SelectDirectoryDlg object doesn’t actually make calls to BrowseForFolder(). It is an encapsulation of another function native to the language Formativ was developed with.

            This means that, at least with the current version, you are unable to access some of the functionality you mention.

            We do recognise this as an issue however, and have slated several improvements to this control in SP1, due to be released as a beta in about four weeks time. I can’t specifically state what features will be available, suffice to say that you will have more control over the dialog via applets, including the ability to create a folder.

            I hope this helps. Keep an eye on the site for information about SP1.

            Advansys Support

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