/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Access GroupWise userdefined fields ?

  • Creator
  • #3894

      Is it possible to access user defined fields from the GroupWise Addressbook Object ?

      For example:
      If you have defined in your addressbook a field
      containing further information e.g. Birthday.
      I would like to export this data into a Excelsheet.

      Thanks for help.


    • Author
    • #6538
      Support 1a

        Yes. Here is some sample code that lists the values associated with a user defined field in an address book of your choice.

        You will need to edit the value of the constants USER_DEFINED_FIELD to be the name of your field, and ADDRESS_BOOK_NAME to be the name of the address book you wish to access.

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

        ' This sample applet will display address book entries with user defined field
        ' value. 
        ' User defined field name
        const USER_DEFINED_FIELD = "uid"
        ' Address book name
        const ADDRESS_BOOK_NAME = "Test Book"  
        ' Main line processing
        Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
          dim iEntry
          dim iList
          dim iValue
          dim iFieldsObj
          dim iAddressBooksObj
          On Error Resume Next
          Set iAddressBooksObj = GroupWise.AddressBooks
          set iAddressBookObj = iAddressBooksObj.item(ADDRESS_BOOK_NAME)
          if not iAddressBookObj is nothing then
            set iList = utilities.stringlist  
            iList.add("Display Name, User defined field value")
            for each iEntry in iAddressBookObj
              set iFieldsObj = iEntry.object.Fields
              set iFieldObj = iFieldsObj.item(USER_DEFINED_FIELD, fgwString)
              if isobject(iFieldObj) then
                iValue = iFieldObj.value
              end if
              set iFieldObj = nothing
              set iFieldsObj = nothing
              iList.add(iEntry.displayname & ", " & iValue)      
            msgbox iList.Text
            set iList = nothing  
          end if
          set iAddressBookObj = nothing
          set iAddressBooksObj = nothing
        End Sub
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