/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / SelectedItems – Listview

  • Creator
  • #4291

      I have a listview with multi select enabled, I am able to successfully loop thru but instead of just getting the items selected I am
      getting the same row multiple times. Can you please comment on the code I am providing you as to where my mistake may be? I have been researching and had hoped that the selectedItems would a property I could use but I get a syntax error. Anyway, talk to you soon and the coding examples I have tried are shown below:

      for I = 0 to CDIP_FRM.ListView.SelectedItems.count -1
      iGuideline_area = iGuideline_area & CDIP_FRM.ListView.selected.Caption
      iGuideline = CDIP_FRM.ListView.selected.SubItems.Strings(1)
      iGuideline_num = CDIP_FRM.ListView.selected.SubItems.Strings(0)

      for I = 0 to CDIP_FRM.ListView.Items.count -1
      iGuideline_area = iGuideline_area & CDIP_FRM.ListView.selected.Caption
      iGuideline = CDIP_FRM.ListView.selected.SubItems.Strings(1)
      iGuideline_num = CDIP_FRM.ListView.selected.SubItems.Strings(0)

    • Author
    • #7747
      Support 1

        The online Help file entry on TListView does not indicate that there is a property like SelectedItems. This is true also for TRzListView.

        Here is a simple example which tests the ListItem property Selected in order to extract your guideline data from multiple selected items (assume MultiSelect = True) and displays them in a message box:

          dim I
          dim iArea, iGuideline, iNum
          dim iText
          with CDIP_FRM.ListView.Items
            iText = "Selected Items:" & vbNewLine
            for I = 0 to .Count - 1
              if .Item(I).Selected then
                iArea = .Item(I).Caption
                iGuideline = .Item(I).SubItems(1)
                iNum = .Item(I).SubItems(0)
                iText = iText & vbNewLine & iNum & vbTab & iArea & vbTab & iGuideline
              end if
          end with
          msgbox iText

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

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