/ Forums / Advansys Archive To Go, Advansys PST Creator / Archive To Go / Archiving the Archive only and not the live Mailbox

  • Creator
  • #4892

      Does anyone know if it is possable to archive the Groupwise archive and not the Inbox?

      I can see options to do mailbox and mailbox+Archive, but not archive only.

      many thanks

    • Author
    • #9270
      Support 2

        No, sorry at this stage you cannot export just the GroupWise native archive. This is certainly on our enhancement list for a future version.


        Advansys Support


          I am getting multiple requests to archive a date range or specified criteria. Anything in the works for this?

          Support 2

            Yes, definitely. Along with folder selection, date range and other filtering capabilities are the top priority feature for our next major release, which is due during Q4 2006.

            Please continue to let us know of features you would like to see in future versions.


            Advansys Support


              Any update on if this feature will be included in the next release? And when will that be?

              Support 2

                This is included in Archive To Go 1.2, which is scheduled to be available by mid-February. We have the latest candidate release being posted today. If no problems are discovered during field testing, this candidate will become the release version.

                If you would like to test the candidate release for 1.2, please send an email to support@advansyscorp.com. If your organization does not already own the full license of Archive To Go, to test a full mailbox export with the candidate trial release, please send an email to support@advansyscorp.com requesting a full trial and nominate the User ID of the GroupWise account you would like to export.


                Advansys Support

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