• Creator
  • #4018

      In my applet I would like to find out if the user is using groupwise 5.5 or 6.5, is there any way to find out the version using formativ? If so could you give me a small example.


    • Author
    • #6865
      Support 1

        Here is an example that removes the Document item from the File | New menu, and accounts for the new menu context in GroupWise 6.5.1:

          dim iText
          iText = "Disable (File | New | Document) menu items on the GroupWise client menus?"
          if (msgbox(iText, vbYesNo, "Enable/disable menu item") = vbYes) then
            ' GroupWise 6.5.1 or later uses the short menu path.
            if (GroupWise.EnvVersionName >= "6.5.1")  then
              call GroupWise.RemoveMenuItem("GW.CLIENTFileNewDocument")
              call GroupWise.RemoveMenuItem("GW.CLIENT.WINDOW.BROWSERFileNewDocument")
            end if
            call GroupWise.ResetMenuItems
            call GroupWise.EnableCommand(858) 'AddNewDocument()
          end if
          call msgbox("Restart GroupWise to see the changes.")

        The method EnvVersionDate is also available.

        Advansys Support

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