/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / use of “FolderMoveTo”

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  • #3967


      I’m trying to use the “FolderMoveTo”, but the syntax as in the helpd doesn’t seem to work. messages are removed from the originating folder, but don’t appear in the designated folder. Could anybody provide a small sample?

    • Author
    • #6728
      Support 1

        The GroupWise token

        FolderMoveTo(Source, Target)

        does not move messages from one folder to another. Rather, it moves the folder; in other words, it makes Source a sub-folder of Target.

        I think the sample code below does what you are want. It uses Object API to move messages from one folder to another folder.

        ' Move all messages from the 'Work In Progress' folder into 'Cabinet'.
        Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
         dim x
         dim iCounter
         dim oWIPMessages
         dim oCabinetMessages
         set oWIPMessages = GroupWise.account.WorkFolder.Messages
         iCounter = oWIPMessages.count
         if (iCounter = 0) then
           msgbox "No messages to move from the Work In Progress folder."
           exit sub
         end if
         set oCabinetMessages = GroupWise.account.Cabinet.Messages
         for x = iCounter to 1 step -1
           msgbox x
           call oWIPMessages.Move(x, oCabinetMessages)
         msgbox(iCounter & " messages moved from WIP to Cabinet.")
         set oWIPMessages = nothing
         set oCabinetMessages = nothing
        End Sub

        I hope this example is helpful to you.

        Advansys Support

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