/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Create Folder and Copy Current Item

  • Creator
  • #3932

      Hi – I am trying to write a script to help me organize my GroupWise Mailbox. When I have a piece of mail open, I’d like to click on a button that moves the mail to a GroupWise Folder that I use as a data store.

      I have a root folder called “People” with subfolders for individuals like “Declan Fleming”. I want the script to take the current piece of mail and copy it to People/Declan Fleming. If the folder doesn’t exist, I want the script to create the folder.

      I was able to do this with MS Outlook with this script:

      Sub movetoX()
      On Error Resume Next ‘ We’ll handle errors ourselves

      Dim destprefix As MAPIFolder
      Dim dest As MAPIFolder
      Dim item As MailItem
      Dim fname As String

      Set item = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
      fname = item.SenderName
      Set destprefix =

      If Err.Number <> 0 Then ‘ Check to see if anything has failed yet
      MsgBox “Problem”
      Exit Sub
      End If

      Set dest = destprefix.Folders(fname)

      If Err.Number <> 0 Then ‘ An error here means the folder doesn’t exist
      destprefix.Folders.Add fname
      Set dest = destprefix.Folders(fname)
      End If

      item.Move dest

      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      MsgBox “Problem”
      Exit Sub
      End If

      End Sub

      I’ve purchased Formativ Developer and it looks like I should be able to do this, but I’m stuck trying to create a folder, and I’m not sure the Item.Move method is valid with GW.

      Any help is appreciated greatly!


    • Author
    • #6633
      Support 1a

        Yes, you can certainly do this kind of thing with Formativ. Here’s some sample code to help get you started:

        dim iMsg 
        dim iFolder
        ' Main-Line processing
        Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
          on error resume next
          Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
          if not isobject(iMsg) then
            call msgbox("Please select a message to proceed.", vbInformation, "Message Management")
            exit sub    
          end if
          ' Create the destination folder
          ' Move the message from the current folder into the destination folder's messages collection
          call Client.ClientState.SelectedFolder.messages.move(iMsg.MessageID, iFolder.Messages)
          set iMsg = nothing
          set iFolder = nothing
        End Sub
        ' Create the folder if not exists
        sub CreateFolder()
          dim iRootFolders
          set iRootFolders = groupwise.account.RootFolder.folders
          on error resume next
          set iFolder = iRootFolders.ItemByName("People")
          if iFolder is nothing then
            set iFolder = iRootFolders.add("People")
          end if
          set iRootFolders = nothing  
        end sub

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support


          Excellent, thanks for the help!

          My objective is to extract the display name of the sender of the current message and then create a People/’sender.displayname’ folder. It looks like the CreateFolder() makes the People folder, but I need a bit more help in extracting the sender display name, then creating a People/subfolder named after the display name.

          Thanks! I’m so close! 🙂


          Support 1a

            No problems – we always like to try to assist our users. The following code may assist:

            dim iMsg 
            dim iFolder
            ' Main-Line processing
            Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
              on error resume next
              Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
              if not isobject(iMsg) then
                call msgbox("Please select a message to proceed.", vbInformation, "Message Management")
                exit sub    
              end if
              ' Create the destination folder
              ' Move the message from the current folder into the destination folder's messages collection
              call Client.ClientState.SelectedFolder.messages.move(iMsg.MessageID, iFolder.Messages)
              set iMsg = nothing
              set iFolder = nothing
            End Sub
            ' Create the folder if not exists
            sub CreateFolder(aName)
              if (len(aName) = 0) then
                exit sub
              end if
              dim iRootFolders
              set iRootFolders = groupwise.account.RootFolder.folders
              on error resume next
              set iFolder = iRootFolders.ItemByName(aName)
              if iFolder is nothing then
                set iFolder = iRootFolders.add(aName)
              end if
              set iRootFolders = nothing  
            end sub
            ' Get the sender's display name
            Function GetDisplayName(aName)
              Dim iPos
              dim iText
              aName = trim(aName)
              iPos = Instr(1, aName, "<", 1)
              if (iPos > 0) then
                iText = trim(mid(aName, 1, iPos -1))
                if (len(iText) = 0) then
                  aName = mid(aName, iPos + 1)
                  aName = iText
                end if
              end if
              iPos = Instr(1, aName, ">", 1)
              if (iPos > 0) then
                aName = mid(aName, 1, iPos -1)
              end if
              iPos = Instr(1, aName, "@", 1)
              if (iPos > 0) then
                aName = mid(aName, 1, iPos -1)
              end if  
              aName = replace(aName, """", "")
              aName = replace(aName, ".", " ")
              aName = replace(aName, "/", "")
              aName = replace(aName, "", "")
              aName = replace(aName, "'", "")
              aName = replace(aName, "*", "")
              aName = replace(aName, ">", "")
              aName = replace(aName, "<", "")
              GetDisplayName = trim(aName)
            End Function


            Advansys Support


              Hi – this helps a ton!

              This is properly creating new folders in the Root with the sender names.

              The one last change I’d like it to be able to create the folders as subfolders of the People folder, which is off of the root.

              I appreciate the hand holding. Is there a reference doc I could be using that would explain these objects so I don’t drive you crazy with questions?


              Support 1a

                Try this code:

                const IDS_MAIN_FOLDER   = "People"
                ' Main-Line processing
                Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                  dim iMsg 
                  dim iFolder    
                  on error resume next
                  Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
                  ' Do we have a message selected?
                  if not isobject(iMsg) then
                    call msgbox("Please select a message to proceed.", vbInformation, "Message Management")
                    exit sub    
                  end if
                  ' Create the destination folder
                  set iFolder = CreateFolder(GetDisplayName(iMsg.FromText))
                  ' Make sure we have the folder
                  if iFolder is nothing then
                    exit sub
                  end if   
                  ' Move the message from the current folder into the destination folder's messages collection
                  call Client.ClientState.SelectedFolder.messages.move(iMsg.MessageID, iFolder.Messages)
                  set iMsg = nothing
                End Sub
                ' Create the sub folders of the People folder
                function CreateFolder(aName)
                  set CreateFolder = nothing   
                  if (len(aName) = 0) then
                    exit function
                  end if
                  dim iFolder   
                  dim iMainFolder
                  ' Create the main 'People' folder
                  set iMainFolder = CreateMainFolder()
                  if iMainFolder is nothing then
                    exit function
                  end if    
                  ' Create the sub folders under the 'People' folder
                  on error resume next
                  set iFolder = iMainFolder.folders.ItemByName(aName)
                  if iFolder is nothing then
                    set iFolder = iMainFolder.folders.add(aName)
                  end if
                  set CreateFolder = iFolder
                  set iFolder = nothing             
                  set iMainFolder = nothing  
                end function
                ' Create the 'people' folder which is off the root
                function CreateMainFolder()
                  dim iFolder
                  dim iRootFolders
                  set iRootFolders = groupwise.account.RootFolder.folders
                  on error resume next
                  set iFolder = iRootFolders.ItemByName(IDS_MAIN_FOLDER)
                  if iFolder is nothing then
                    set iFolder = iRootFolders.add(IDS_MAIN_FOLDER)
                  end if
                  set CreateMainFolder = iFolder
                  set iFolder = nothing             
                  set iRootFolders = nothing  
                end function
                ' Get the sender's display name
                Function GetDisplayName(aName)
                  Dim iPos
                  dim iText
                  aName = trim(aName)
                  iPos = Instr(1, aName, "<", 1)
                  if (iPos > 0) then
                    iText = trim(mid(aName, 1, iPos -1))
                    if (len(iText) = 0) then
                      aName = mid(aName, iPos + 1)
                      aName = iText
                    end if
                  end if
                  iPos = Instr(1, aName, ">", 1)
                  if (iPos > 0) then
                    aName = mid(aName, 1, iPos -1)
                  end if
                  iPos = Instr(1, aName, "@", 1)
                  if (iPos > 0) then
                    aName = mid(aName, 1, iPos -1)
                  end if  
                  aName = replace(aName, """", "")
                  aName = replace(aName, ".", " ")
                  aName = replace(aName, "/", "")
                  aName = replace(aName, "", "")
                  aName = replace(aName, "'", "")
                  aName = replace(aName, "*", "")
                  aName = replace(aName, ">", "")
                  aName = replace(aName, "<", "")
                  GetDisplayName = trim(aName)
                End Function

                Most of these objects are native Object API. Have a look at the Novell GroupWise Object API documentation, which is linked from the drop down help menu within the Formativ development environment.

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