• Creator
  • #4420

      I am using the NWDirLib ActiveX control.

      I would like to use the .Search feature, but I’m not sure how to capture the .SearchCompleted event in Formativ/VBScript. The samples given in the manual are all Visual Basic.

      Is this possible?

    • Author
    • #8134
      Support 1

        Thanks for your enquiry.

        While I don’t have a working sample available, the following should work.

        • If you have not already done so, use the Formativ Form Designer to add a form to your applet.
        • Go to the Component Palette’s Netware tab, select ‘NWDir’ and click the form surface to add this component. If your form is named ‘MainForm’, the new component name will be ‘MainFormNWDir1’.
        • Go to the Object Inspector and select the Events tab, then double-click OnSearchCompleted. This will add the following to your applet source code:
          Sub MainFormNWDir1SearchCompleted(Sender, Results)
          End Sub

        • Now add code for your application:
          Sub MainFormNWDir1SearchCompleted(Sender, Results)
            for each item in Results
              ' item is a string, the full name of an object in the Directory.
              call MainFormListBox1.Items.Add(item)
          End Sub

          This code assumes the existence of a ListBox control named ‘MainFormLIistBox1’ on the form.

        Note: If the above does not work (or if you prefer to use VBScript’s CreateObject and the control’s ProgID to create an instance of this control), it may be possible to bind a VBScript handler (ie. procedure) to the SearchCompleted event with the GetRef function.

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

        [This message was edited by Support 1 on September 16, 2009 at 08:04 PM.]

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