/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / NDS Delployed Applet Creation Date

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  • #4426

      Is it possible to retrieve the date I deployed an applet to the tree?

       Msgbox Utilities.CurrentAppletName & "=" & Utilities.FileSystem.GetFileLastWrite(Utilities.CurrentAppletName)

      Since these files are cached, the above code returns the date when the applet was downloaded by the user. I want the date that I wrote it to the tree. Is this possible?

    • Author
    • #8153
      Support 3

        Interesting enquiry, off the top of my head, we don’t have any API available to get the applet publish date from the library.

        Our test shows, Utilities.FileSystem.GetFileLastWrite(Utilities.CurrentAppletName) return the last date time applet modified/publish. For example, if you modified the applet on “04 Dec 2009 10.10 AM”, GetFileLastWrite() will return the modified date. Once you update the applet, it will return the last update date.

        Another workaround is to store the modified/publish date in the applet, you will need to update the date manually when you modified the applet. For example,
        publishDate = Utilities.ISOToDate(“20091127T143836”)

        Advansys Support

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