Hello, I am trying to use the Message Viewer with LiveLink ECM server. I need to configure the MIME type to allow messages to be launched using the viewer. Can you provide the correct mime entry for the server?
You must first deterimine the mime type’s proper name, this can be acquired a variety of ways. One way this can be done is to check the registry of a workstation that uses this as a known file type.
1) Go to “regedit”, hkey_classes_root. Locate the mime type folder. Inside the mime type folder should be a key called “Content Type”, the value data of the key should be the correct mime type name.
2) Add the mime type to the mime.types file (found in the config folder for LiveLink). Add any extensions this file type will appear after the mime type in the same line, follow the format below:
application/vnd.ms-excel xls xlb XLS5
image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe JPEG
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