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  • #4255


      I have been asked to create an applet for a client who is running E-directory and Groupwise on a Windows 2003 server.

      They have also uninstalled the Netware client from all the workstations.

      My question is, will it still be possible to run Formativ applets in this environment?


      John Yeomans

    • Author
    • #7615
      Support 1

        Just to confirm, are the workstations you refer to Windows Terminal Services/Citrix clients of the Windows 2003 server?

        Advansys Support



          Thanks for the reply.

          The answer is no, they are normal Windows XP professional workstations.


          Support 1

            Thank you for the clarification.

            It is possible to run Formativ applets in the environment you describe. If the NetWare client is not installed, Formativ will use LDAP to communicate with eDirectory/NDS.

            The Formativ ReadMe and User Guide state that:


            Novell NetWare Client is required for the Schema Wizard administration tool (Formativ administrators only).

            The Schema Wizard snap-in for NWAdmin is used for administration of eDirectory/NDS. The Formativ snap-in for ConsoleOne can be used instead, and it does not require the NetWare client.

            Advansys Support


              Again, thanks for the reply.

              Will this work on a workstation with no Netware client installed, and just the Formativ runtime? Do i have to install the snap-in on the workstation.

              My applet also makes calls to e-directory and the groupwise address book object.

              Can you see this causing a problem?

              Sorry about the questions, but I am relativley inexperienced with Groupwise and Formativ


              Support 1

                Formativ Runtime does not require the NetWare client to be installed. You do not need to install the Schema Wizard snap-in to use Formativ.

                Formativ applets do not need the NetWare client to access the GroupWise AddressBook object.

                How do you intend to make “calls to e-directory”?

                Advansys Support

                [This message was edited by Support 1 on June 13, 2006 at 10:52 PM.]


                  We have published the applet to e-directory using the console one snap-in.

                  However we find that on a workstation without the Netware client installed, the applet does not appear in Groupwise.

                  If we install the Netware client, but do not use it to log in, we can run the applet, but cannot retreive any data from e-directory using the NWDir COM object.

                  if we log in using the Netware client everything works as expected.

                  The problem is, we don’t want to use the Netware client at all.




                    Did you, on your station without client, configure Advansys Formativ (in configuration panel) to access applet throught LDAP protocol ? By this way, you don’t need a NW client.
                    When you install Formativ on a station without NWClient, Formativ “use local applets only” by default.

                    NWDIR com object need to be logged.
                    You could perhaps create a VB applet which loged in e-Dir, retreive your information and transfert them to GW. Hard but not impossible.
                    Another way is to use LDAP to retreive information in NDS
                    Or perhaps there are duplicate in GroupWise, and ObjectAPI is the right way.

                    What are these inforamtions ?

                    L.P. Irovetz
                    Arcane GroupWare


                      I have already set up the LDAP part, and unfortunately I get an ldap_simple_bind error -either 32, 34 or 80, depending upon my combination of username/password/context entered.


                      Support 1


                        Thank you for your suggestions.


                        It appears that the workstation (which does not have the NetWare client installed) is not logged in to eDirectory. Have all relevant settings in the Formativ utility (in the Windows Control Panel) been set appropriately? I mean the settings on the Protocols and LDAP tabs.

                        If the problem continues, could you send the Formativ configuration (see below) from this workstation? Please send this information to support@advansyscorp.com .

                        You can obtain the configuration by selecting Help | About Formativ… from the GroupWise main menu. When the About Formativ dialog appears, go to the Configuration tab and click the button Copy to clipboard. Then paste the text into your email (or save it to a plain-text file and include it as an attachment).

                        Advansys Support



                          Thanks for the replires so far.

                          We have finally managed to get the applet to run.

                          We have now encountered another problem however.

                          My applet uses the Nwdir.ocx to reference e-directory and retrieve details of the logged on user etc.

                          I am now receiving the following error when running the applet.

                          “ActiveX component can’t create object: ‘NWDirLib.NWDirCtrl.1’ at line 416, column 3”

                          We have tried using regsvr32.exe to register the nwdir.ocx on the client PC, but receive the following error:

                          LoadLibrary(“NWDir.ocx”) failed – The specified module could not be found.”

                          Any suggestions?

                          Thanks again


                          Support 2

                            Did you run the Novell supplied Regocx.bat file which manages the registration of the multiple OCX files required?


                            Advansys Support



                              Yes we have but it fails. We’ve removed the silent switch in the batch file, and there is actually only one file which WILL register – NWBrowse.ocx


                              Support 2

                                Unfortunately we don’t know why the Novell files would fail to register in your environment. Perhaps the next step would be to try the Novell support newsgroups for some ideas.


                                Advansys Support


                                  I have discovered that the NWDir.ocx file is dependent on the Netware Client being installed on the client PC.

                                  As i said before, we do not use the Netware client, so this poses a major problem.

                                  Is there any other way to access the e-directory within Formativ?

                                  I need to be able to retreive user details such as Names, Address and Telephone Numbers.

                                  Thanks again,




                                    One work around . You could install NWClient without using it to log to the tree. Check the box “Workstation only”, by this way you could log to Windows domain and not to the tree. You could also have Netware dependancies needed by the OCX.

                                    One another. Dedicated a station (or the server) to hold a netware client. Install GW and create an applet whitch synchronyse information needed between NDS and Groupwise.

                                    Not sure it could help you, but sometime ‘exotic’ solution works Smile

                                    L.P. Irovetz
                                    Arcane GroupWare

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