/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Find out Groupwise language + Problem with appointment export

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  • #4241


      I’ve got a few problems. First of all I’d like to know with which language the current groupwise-session is running. How can I find this out with formativ?

      The next problem is a bit more complicated. I wrote a script in formativ which exports appointments (depending on some criteria) into a textfile. Everything works well except when I create an appointment and send it to myself (not a posted appointment). In this case the appointment will be exported twice. Where could be the problem? See the following code:

      Set messagesList = calendar.FindMessages(“(APPOINTMENT AND ACCEPTED AND START_DATE >= TODAY AND START_DATE < TODAY + 2)”)

      Thanks for your answer.


    • Author
    • #7571
      Support 3


        Originally posted by griesserag:
        First of all I’d like to know with which language the current groupwise-session is running. How can I find this out with formativ?

        Unfortunately no Groupwise token or Object API command available to check the language. You need to read the following registry key value to check the language. You can use ‘utilities.Registry’ to access the Windows registry. See the ‘Formativ Language Guide’ for more information.

        HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareNovellGroupWiseInterface Language


        The next problem is a bit more complicated. I wrote a script in formativ which exports appointments (depending on some criteria) into a textfile. Everything works well except when I create an appointment and send it to myself (not a posted appointment). In this case the appointment will be exported twice. Where could be the problem? See the following code:

        Set messagesList = calendar.FindMessages(“(APPOINTMENT AND ACCEPTED AND START_DATE >= TODAY AND START_DATE < TODAY + 2)”)

        You need to exclude sent items messages from the filter expression. See below the updated filter expression:

        Set messagesList = groupwise.account.calendar.FindMessages(“(APPOINTMENT) AND (BOX_TYPE = INCOMING OR BOX_TYPE = PERSONAL) AND (ACCEPTED) AND (START_DATE >= TODAY) AND (START_DATE < TODAY + 2)”)

        Hope this helps.

        Advansys Support


          Thanks. The new filter expression works. But what’s exactly the difference between BOX_TYPE Incoming and personal?


            I found it out. Personal is necessary for posted appointments.

            Support 2

              Thanks for the update.


              Advansys Support

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