• Creator
  • #3837

      Trying to reinstall to Windows 7 Enterprise (to the C Drive) It won’t allow me register and says copy is expired. also says install not complete.

    • Author
    • #6361
      Support 3

        Thanks for your post.

        Formativ Framework 2.5 supports Windows 7. Are you installing Formativ 2.5?

        You can download Formativ 2.5 from here: http://advansyscorp.com/formativ_download.htm

        Formativ 2.5 is a paid upgrade, you will need 2.5 registration code to register. Customers without upgrade protection should contact their Advansys reseller or Advansys (support@advansyscorp.com) for pricing.

        If the problem persists, please send the Formativ Configuration to support (support@advansyscorp.com). You can access Configuration via the main GroupWise menus: Help | About Formativ. When the ‘About Box’ appears, select the ‘Configuration’ tab. Press the ‘copy to clipboard’ button, then paste the contents of the clipboard into your reply.


        Advansys Support


          Thanks upgraded to 2.5 and runtime works fine, but now the solutions don’t show up.

          Support 3

            Are you logged in as Administrator or Standard user to the machine?

            Do you see the solutions when you run the GroupWise client as Administrator (right click the program and choose “Run as administrator” in context menu)?

            You may need to re install the solutions. If the problem persists then please send the Formativ configuration information, see the earlier post about how to access configuration.


            Advansys Support


              Thanks got it working! Only issue id for the Emoticons, I get the error “can’t” locate emoticon directory” I can live without it, if need be.

              Support 3

                Great news.

                Could you please let us know how you resolved the issue?


                Only issue id for the Emoticons, I get the error “can’t” locate emoticon directory” I can live without it, if need be.

                As you are using the Windows 7, please make sure the following emoticons folder exists:


                If the problem persists, you can uninstall and reinstall the solution.


                Advansys Support

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