/ Forums / Advansys Archive To Go, Advansys PST Creator / Archive To Go / System.AccessViolationException

  • Creator
  • #5088

      When attempting to run the Creator in Enterprise mode, when I attempt to Select from System view, I get the following error:

      There are some problems while trying to use Creator, please check the following error messages:

      System.AccessviolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
      ..plus many more lines.

      The software then dumps me out.

      This message appears on 3 all machines tested in the environment — one desktop and 2 laptops. It is a pretty locked down environment and I doubt it really is a memory issue.

    • Author
    • #9762
      Support 1

        Thanks for reporting this problem.

        Which Windows product/version are you using?

        Which version of the GroupWise client are you using?

        Which version of Archive To Go are you using? The current release,, fixes several memory errors like AccessViolationException.

        Please send the log file shown below to support@advansyscorp.com:

        C:Documents and Settings[Windows User Name]Application DataAdvansysArchive To GoSystem discovery (GWDEV).log

        In the sample above, ‘GWDEV’ is the GroupWise system name.

        Please describe as fully as possible how you used the System view at the time the error occurred. For example, was it immediately after creating a system definition, or when selecting Refresh for the selected item in the tree (Domain, Post Office or User?), or when expanding an item in the tree?

        I look forward to your reply.

        Kind regards,
        Advansys Support

        [This message was edited by Support 1 on December 16, 2010 at 03:44 PM.]

        Support 1

          We have received your email, thank you. A reply was sent to you on December 18th.

          Advansys Support

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