/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Creator / Formativ Portals blank screen

  • Creator
  • #3599

      I am having a problem with a Portal that I created using the sample code posted elsewhere in the forums. I have the portal configured to run at GroupWise startup and display the help page from our intranet server. I tested it on another PC and it seems to work as it should. On my PC however, it displays the page briefly before the screen goes blank. On the “title bar” where it should say keynet it says Formativ Portals. If I move my mouse across the blank screen the links on the page will show up. Clicking on another folder and back again causes the Portal screen to display as it should. The Formative Portals title is even replaced by the word keynet.

      I updated my video drivers to the latest version. That didn’t help.

      Any ideas?

      Advansys Formativ Studio – Version 2.0.1
      Registered: YES (Audit Code – “0606151FSC290”)
      TLS Remaining: 1036
      Caching Protocol: NDAP
      Config “CN=Formativ Configuration – All Libraries.OU=GW.OU=ADM.OU=MO.O=US” located in USER “CN=MShimonek.OU=ADM.OU=MO.O=US”

      Operating System:

      Windows XP

      Internet Explorer

      6.00.2900.3059 (xpsp_sp2_qfe.070104-0040)

      Cache File System:


      Current User Configuration:

      Location of Files

      User Solutions: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativApplets – (System)
      User Data: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Data – (System)
      User Cache: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache – (System)
      User Images: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Images – (System)
      User Config: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Config – (System)
      User Encoded: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativEncoded Output – (System)
      User Flexalock: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativFlexalock Output – (System)
      User Backup: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativLibrary Backup – (System)
      Common Solutions: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Applets – (System)
      Common Data: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Data – (System)
      Common Help: C:Program FilesAdvansysFormativHelp – (System)
      Common Manifests: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0System – (System)

      Client Options

      Portal Folder Enabled: True
      Portal Folder Deleted: False
      Portal Folder Name: Formativ Portals
      Display Exceptions: False
      Redirect Associations: False
      Main Menu Caption: A&pplets
      Mode: 255
      Formativ is enabled
      Applet creation is allowed
      Client integrations are enabled
      Formativ menu is enabled
      Favorites menu is enabled
      Applet recording is allowed
      Enable intelligent Applet caching
      Update Applet cache on client startup
      Debug Mode: False
      Exception Dialog: False
      Include Groups: True
      Max Traversal: 10
      Word Limit?: False
      Limit Count: 2


      Order: 2
      Override: 0

      LDAP Settings

      LDAP Server:
      Server Port: 389
      Requires Logon: True
      Automatic Login: False
      Anonymous Login: False
      Save Password: True
      Default Port: 389
      Default Port SSL: 636
      Use SSL: False

      Solution Packs


      Library Integration Exceptions:

      CN=FS Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=FS.OU=AR.O=US
      CN=LR Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=LR.OU=AR.O=US
      CN=PB Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=PB.OU=AR.O=US
      CN=CS Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=CS.OU=CO.O=US
      CN=DEN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=DEN.OU=CO.O=US
      CN=DEC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=DEC.OU=IL.O=US
      CN=BL Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=BL.OU=IN.O=US
      CN=EVA Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=EVA.OU=IN.O=US
      CN=FW Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=FW.OU=IN.O=US
      CN=IND Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=IND.OU=IN.O=US
      CN=MER Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=MER.OU=IN.O=US
      CN=WIC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=WIC.OU=KS.O=US
      CN=BG Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=BG.OU=KY.O=US
      CN=LV Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=LV.OU=KY.O=US
      CN=OW Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=OW.OU=KY.O=US
      CN=BRN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=BRN.OU=MO.O=US
      CN=JOP Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=JOP.OU=MO.O=US
      CN=KC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=KC.OU=MO.O=US
      CN=SPF Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=SPF.OU=MO.O=US
      CN=STL Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=STL.OU=MO.O=US
      CN=LIN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=LIN.OU=NE.O=US
      CN=OMH Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=OMH.OU=NE.O=US
      CN=CIN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=CIN.OU=OH.O=US
      CN=END Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=END.OU=OK.O=US
      CN=OKC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=OKC.OU=OK.O=US
      CN=TUL Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=TUL.OU=OK.O=US
      CN=HOU Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=HOU.OU=TX.O=US

      Formativ File Version Information:

      Advansys Formativ (VBSSAFE.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:26 am
      Advansys Formativ Tray Interface (FORMATIV.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:24 am
      Advansys Formativ Registration Utility (FRMRMG10.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:22 am
      Advansys Formativ Quick Config (QUICKCONFIG.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:20 am
      Advansys Formativ Studio (FORMATIV.DLL) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:52:52 am
      Advansys Formativ Control Panel Applet (FORMATIV.CPL) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:28 am
      Advansys Formativ Applet Generator (SCRIPTGEN.DLL) 1.6 01/07/2003 06:22:32 pm
      Advansys Formativ Applet Recorder (SCRIPTRECORDER.DLL) 1.6 18/07/2003 02:29:58 pm
      Advansys Formativ Command Blocker (TOKENBLOCKER.DLL) 2.0.1 10/11/2005 03:17:36 pm
      Advansys Formativ Portal Manager Resources (HTMLRES.DLL) 1.6 24/06/2003 11:40:50 am
      Advansys Formativ Interface Loader (UILOAD.DLL) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:24 am

      LDAP File Version Information:

      Novell LDAP SDK Library (LDAPSDK.DLL) 2.9.0 2.9.0 27/01/2003 11:08:08 pm
      Novell LDAP SDK Extension APIs (LDAPX.DLL) 2.9.0 2.9.0 27/01/2003 11:10:04 pm
      Novell LDAP SDK SSL Library (LDAPSSL.DLL) 2.9.0 2.9.0 27/01/2003 11:09:24 pm

      GroupWise File Version Information:

      Novell GroupWise Client (GRPWISE.EXE) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 04:14:54 pm
      Novell GroupWise C3PO Manager (GWDT31.DLL) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 03:27:50 pm
      Novell GroupWise Address Book (ADDRBOOK.EXE) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 03:37:12 pm
      Novell GroupWise Address Book (GWABU1.DLL) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 03:36:32 pm
      Novell GroupWiseObject Library (GWCMA1.DLL) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 03:22:52 pm
      Novell GroupWise Import Module (GWIMPEXE.EXE) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 04:19:20 pm
      Novell GroupWise ‘Hit the Road’ setup (HTRSETUP.EXE) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 04:26:50 pm
      GroupWise Attachments ActiveX Control (GWATT1.OCX) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 03:33:26 pm
      Novell GroupWise Notify (NOTIFY.EXE) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 04:20:52 pm
      Novell GroupWise Admin API (GWCMB1.DLL) 7.0.1 7.0.1 13/06/2006 03:27:22 pm

      GroupWise Interface Language:

      Language: US

      GroupWise Address Books:

      AB Modal From Toolbar: No
      Default Address Book: AB.0081D836918BCE1187EB00805FB4B2BE.VMWare Contacts
      Delimiter Characters: ,;
      Display Name Format: F L
      Name Search Mode: No

      Third Party Handlers

      DLL1 C:PROGRA~1AdvansysFormativTokenBlocker.dll
      Advansys Formativ Command Blocker (TOKENBLOCKER.DLL) 2.0.1 10/11/2005 03:17:36 pm
      DLL2 C:PROGRA~1AdvansysFormativScriptRecorder.dll
      Advansys Formativ Applet Recorder (SCRIPTRECORDER.DLL) 1.6 18/07/2003 02:29:58 pm

      GroupWise C3PO Entries:


      Trialware Applets:

      Available Applets:

      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{E9AA6D6B-4313-415A-95F0-73080BAD66B0}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=ADM Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=ADM.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{E9AA6D6B-4313-415A-95F0-73080BAD66B0}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=ADM Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=ADM.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{E9AA6D6B-4313-415A-95F0-73080BAD66B0}keyNET Help_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=ADM Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=ADM.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{B744A228-DB58-4BE7-8CCA-1AB8FFA085DF}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=FS Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=FS.OU=AR.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{B744A228-DB58-4BE7-8CCA-1AB8FFA085DF}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=FS Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=FS.OU=AR.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{326F649D-5324-41F2-898D-D2439EECA4A5}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=LR Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=LR.OU=AR.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{326F649D-5324-41F2-898D-D2439EECA4A5}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=LR Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=LR.OU=AR.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{36C3DB2A-334B-4CF1-9865-524FA5FA10F6}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=PB Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=PB.OU=AR.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{36C3DB2A-334B-4CF1-9865-524FA5FA10F6}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=PB Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=PB.OU=AR.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{46136F4E-4DBB-4E90-8693-D7659721FBDF}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=CS Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=CS.OU=CO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{46136F4E-4DBB-4E90-8693-D7659721FBDF}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=CS Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=CS.OU=CO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{3FBBAF2F-A62C-4B3F-88E0-217EE6DACABA}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=DEN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=DEN.OU=CO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{3FBBAF2F-A62C-4B3F-88E0-217EE6DACABA}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=DEN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=DEN.OU=CO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{28881DD5-9E51-4B22-A78A-37D83F823139}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=DEC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=DEC.OU=IL.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{28881DD5-9E51-4B22-A78A-37D83F823139}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=DEC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=DEC.OU=IL.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{CE3035D0-9973-4D28-BE17-346148F2C418}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=BL Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=BL.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{CE3035D0-9973-4D28-BE17-346148F2C418}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=BL Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=BL.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{D2747706-EA19-4FCA-8F85-80749BCA0171}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=EVA Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=EVA.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{D2747706-EA19-4FCA-8F85-80749BCA0171}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=EVA Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=EVA.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{B60044E6-14A0-448A-A315-5781692E8C71}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=FW Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=FW.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{B60044E6-14A0-448A-A315-5781692E8C71}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=FW Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=FW.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{2D0D0B28-20A6-43CC-8DE9-03C4706C1354}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=IND Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=IND.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{2D0D0B28-20A6-43CC-8DE9-03C4706C1354}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=IND Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=IND.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{FD629F03-1DEF-46AC-90D5-11FD96084C21}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=MER Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=MER.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{FD629F03-1DEF-46AC-90D5-11FD96084C21}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=MER Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=MER.OU=IN.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{877B982A-D688-4E60-9146-4E424F3021A5}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=WIC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=WIC.OU=KS.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{877B982A-D688-4E60-9146-4E424F3021A5}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=WIC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=WIC.OU=KS.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{8E4DABBD-756B-48AB-B33D-6BBB069677B6}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=BG Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=BG.OU=KY.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{8E4DABBD-756B-48AB-B33D-6BBB069677B6}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=BG Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=BG.OU=KY.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{6EEEE610-9D7D-440B-887F-D13D5A7BE229}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=LV Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=LV.OU=KY.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{6EEEE610-9D7D-440B-887F-D13D5A7BE229}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=LV Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=LV.OU=KY.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{A0FE1940-0777-48C9-907E-C9BA0FF089E4}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=OW Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=OW.OU=KY.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{A0FE1940-0777-48C9-907E-C9BA0FF089E4}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=OW Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=OW.OU=KY.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{9682E518-AF71-4C05-8C9C-742BEBF15656}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=BRN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=BRN.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{9682E518-AF71-4C05-8C9C-742BEBF15656}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=BRN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=BRN.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{3D100A32-BF6D-4D92-8C7D-9CFC628862E5}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=JOP Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=JOP.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{3D100A32-BF6D-4D92-8C7D-9CFC628862E5}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=JOP Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=JOP.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{AB6A92F8-4D20-4975-8783-8030DEAE79A5}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=KC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=KC.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{AB6A92F8-4D20-4975-8783-8030DEAE79A5}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=KC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=KC.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{7CDF855C-1435-4BBB-A317-5CFFA79F6FD2}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=SPF Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=SPF.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{7CDF855C-1435-4BBB-A317-5CFFA79F6FD2}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=SPF Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=SPF.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{D97119DF-CC6E-4957-8619-F91656FFBA3B}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=STL Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=STL.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{D97119DF-CC6E-4957-8619-F91656FFBA3B}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=STL Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=STL.OU=MO.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{C191D392-0E1D-45E3-9CA3-3FBD6BFF8104}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=LIN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=LIN.OU=NE.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{C191D392-0E1D-45E3-9CA3-3FBD6BFF8104}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=LIN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=LIN.OU=NE.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{A0F14FC4-DC08-4A64-8203-4B7F2B6A26AB}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=OMH Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=OMH.OU=NE.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{A0F14FC4-DC08-4A64-8203-4B7F2B6A26AB}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=OMH Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=OMH.OU=NE.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{3701CCD2-602A-4D05-B721-E6EC8A7D8CD7}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=CIN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=CIN.OU=OH.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{3701CCD2-602A-4D05-B721-E6EC8A7D8CD7}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=CIN Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=CIN.OU=OH.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{A0C6E3EA-05F9-4D2F-8E89-C925D9CD8EF0}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=END Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=END.OU=OK.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{A0C6E3EA-05F9-4D2F-8E89-C925D9CD8EF0}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=END Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=END.OU=OK.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{4E1A48E3-3358-4061-A01B-342FE52205E7}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=OKC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=OKC.OU=OK.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{4E1A48E3-3358-4061-A01B-342FE52205E7}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=OKC Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=OKC.OU=OK.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{FD69C91A-5FC7-419E-8A1A-9B3E05700525}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=TUL Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=TUL.OU=OK.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{FD69C91A-5FC7-419E-8A1A-9B3E05700525}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=TUL Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=TUL.OU=OK.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{52477DA1-BF3D-4822-88DB-C3AEEB314AD1}Appointment to iCal_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=HOU Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=HOU.OU=TX.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
      C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache{52477DA1-BF3D-4822-88DB-C3AEEB314AD1}iCal to Appointment_Flexalock.vbf; Library: CN=HOU Formativ Library.OU=GW.OU=HOU.OU=TX.O=US; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes

    • Author
    • #5566

        I have more information to report: When I run in caching mode the portal screen is being erased immediately after the initial send/retreive operation. Subsequent send/retreives do not erase the portal. It looks like it may caused by the auto archive process.

        If I switch to online mode it will go blank occaisionally but I have yet to notice a pattern.

        Support 3

          We haven’t had any report about this issue. Looks like the problem could be environmental to your machine as it works on another machine.

          Just a recommendation, you are running GroupWise client “7.0.1 13/06/2006” and we was told by the Novell that GroupWise 7 IR1 (prior to 14/12/2006 build) had some bugs in relation to the OnOpen and some other events. May be you can upgrade the GroupWise client to the latest release then test your solution.

          Let us know if you have any questions.

          Advansys Support


            Thank you for the suggestions.

            I upgraded my client to 7.0 SP2 beta. I also upgraded IE to the latest. The behavior was the same. I then uninstalled studio and replaced with runtime. Bingo! Problem solved. Reinstalling studio made the the problem return. Is there a problem upgrading from runtime to studio maybe? At least I am relatively sure that the problem is specific to my PC. I am getting ready to install on ~1500 workstations in a couple weeks.

            Here are some other things I have noticed:
            After the screen blanks, if I maximize the Window the web page will be displayed properly. If I restore the Window it will go blank again.

            I can maximize C1 in front of the GW client. The web page will be displayed for about a 10th of a second when C1 is then minimized.

            Support 1

              Thank you for the additional details.

              Unfortunately, given that the problem occurs in such specific circumstances (and nobody else has reported it), our engineers do not expect to be able to reproduce it in a test environment.

              Can you identify what is different between the two PCs, where Studio works on one but not on the other?

              Advansys Support


                I think I am being unclear. I never tested studio on a 2nd PC. I only tested with runtime on a 2nd PC. Runtime has always worked. When I replaced the installation of studio on my PC with runtime the problem stopped occuring there as well. I only saw the problem when I had studio installed on my PC

                At this point the problem is no longer occuring on my PC even with studio installed. I don’t know what fixed it. I will list my changes for your benefit. The first change was to add another portal. The second change was to replace the first code block below with the second. Thanks for your help!

                Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                dim oPortal
                set oPortal = groupwise.PortalManager.Portals.add
                oPortal.ID = “GroupWise Help”
                oPortal.Caption = “Keynet”
                oPortal.URL = “http://keynet.xxx.com/HOME/TechTips/GroupWiseHelp/index.asp”
                set oPortal = nothing
                End Sub

                Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                dim oPortal
                dim oPortals

                set oPortals = GroupWise.PortalManager.Portals
                set oPortal = oPortals.Item(“KEYnet”)

                if oPortal is nothing Then
                set oPortal = oPortals.Add
                oPortal.Caption = “KEYnet GroupWise Help”
                oPortal.TabCaption = “KEYnet”
                oPortal.ID = “KEYnet”
                oPortal.NavigationControlsEnabled = true
                oPortal.URLInputEnabled = false
                end If
                oPortal.Url = “http://keynet.bkd.com/HOME/TechTips/GroupWiseHelp/index.asp”
                oPortals.ActivePortal = oPortal.ID

                set oPortal = nothing
                set oPortals = nothing
                End Sub

                Support 1

                  Thank you for the update, and good to hear that you have resolved this issue.

                  Certainly the replacement code is the form we recommend for initializing a Formativ Portal.

                  I suspect that the strange behavior is caused by more than one copy of exactly the same Portal. The first code block could permit multiple copies of a Portal, if the applet is executed more than once. This might happen inadvertently if the applet is configured (via GroupWise integrations) to be triggered by more than one event – not only startup. Just an idea.

                  Advansys Support

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