/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Setting the order of GW processes

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  • #4061

      I have an applet that launches on the SEND event and adds text to the end of the message. This text is supposed to be appended to the very end, after the body and signature. The problem is, although the Signature window opens before the applet executes, GroupWise waits for the applet to finish executing before adding the signature to the message. As a result, the applet text is always inserted before the signature.

      How can I change the order of these processes? I’d like to make GroupWise add the signature to the message before the Send applet executes.


    • Author
    • #6988
      Support 1a

        Unfortunately you (nor us) have any control over the sequencing of the on send processing more so than is already exposed. We developed the ‘OnSend’ event to be triggered as late as possible in the send process (even later than is possible if you write a C3PO). GroupWise doesn’t provide third party developers any means to modify the process any further. If you needed to ensure you added your text at the very end of the message you would probably need to develop something that worked on the server (at the MTA level).


        Advansys Support

        Support 2

          Perhaps another approach may be to implement the user’s signature via an applet rather than using the native GroupWise signature feature.

          The main challenge with this approach is to ensure the signature is located in the right place under varied conditions, such as Reply, Forward etc.. and when the Spell Checker operates it may shift the current cursor position. It is achievable and our Multiple Signatures solution already caters for the Forward Reply cases.


          Advansys Support


            Thanks for the advice. We have tried out the Multiple Signatures applet and it looks like it might do the trick. However, all of our users’ signatures are already stored as .TXT files in the USERDB. Is there a way to access this store and change the existing extensions to .SIG? It wouldn’t make sense to force the users to recreate their signatures.

            Why does the applet require text files to be saved as .SIG rather than .TXT? Can’t it already tell .TXT files apart from .HTM files?

            Also, it looks like the applet only supports an interface that allows users to select from a list of existing signatures. I would have to extend the applet to provide a GUI for creating and saving signature files, correct? Or am I missing something?

            Much appreciated.

            Support 1a

              Unfortunately Novell don’t expose the native signature data to third parties. While we would dearly love to be able to access this data, our hands are tied for the moment.

              All the other issues you raise are addresses in the new version 2.0 signatures applet. It includes a UI for creating both plain text and HTML signatures. You can download a beta from here. You’ll need to download both version 2.0 Runtime (or Admin or Developer, depending on your needs), as well as the V2 Business Solutions Pack.


              Advansys Support

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