• Creator
  • #4142

      I’m having a problem using smartfields. For example, I’ve filled out the postal address information in C1 – street, post office box, city, state, zip code.

      Using NDS:Zip Code does not work, but using NDS:Postal Code like in your example does work. How am I supposed to know what to use??

      The documentation refers to a System Address Book, GW Account and eDirectory … where is C1 does it distinguish between the 3.

      Also, the smartfields are showing up double spaced after the signature is inserted. How can I have it display just as in the editor?

      Thank you

    • Author
    • #7253
      Support 1

        Thank you for your enquiry.

        The SmartFields Assistant, which is bundled with Multiple Signatures, can be used to:

        • determine the SmartFields which are available in your GroupWise environment;
        • distinguish between your environment’s resources (Account, System Address Book, eDirectory/NDS).

        I gather that it’s an HTML signature in which the SmartFields are appearing double-spaced. If so, it may be that there are <P> (paragraph) markers between the lines, or at the end of the signature. You could try using the signature editor to:

        • delete white-space that follows the signature;
        • ensure that there is only a <BR> (break) marker between each line – first delete the line-break then press SHIFT+ENTER to insert a break marker (which is not visible – you should see a line-break inserted).

        Alternatively, you could use a dedicated HTML or text editor to edit the signature to explicitly remove unwanted paragraph markers.

        I hope this helps, and look forward to hearing about your progress.

        Advansys Support

        [This message was edited by Support 3 on July 06, 2005 at 05:31 PM.]


          I feel stupid but I cannot find the “smartfields assistant”. After opening GW, I have a button for MultipleSignatures. Nothing in there or in the help about the assistant.

          Where do I find it?

          Thank you

          Support 1a

            Smartfields is accessed from the main GroupWise toolbar. It has an icon that looks like this:

            Please me know if you can’t see this icon.

            Thank you.

            Advansys Support

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