We have a message with a custom context or class name (GW.MESSAGE.MAIL.MyApp). This message has a different icon and it has a custom button on the toolbar.
When the user forwards the message (if they forward inline) that message doesn’t have the custom button and the class of the message is GW.MESSAGE.MAIL not GW.MESSAGE.MAIL.MyApp. If they forward as an attachment the attached message works as needed but the container message doesn’t have our custom icon. (but we can live with that constraint)
1) Can I prevent the user from forwarding (our custom) messages in-line?
2) Since the fowarded message needs the custom button functionality. I created an applet that runs on the ‘BeforeForward’ event on the GW.MESSAGE.MAIL.MyApp context.
In this applet. I cancel the forward event. Create a draft email (in our custom context) and copy everything I need from the original email. Then I prompt the user for the list of recipients. Then send the email. Then delete the draft from the trash.
The problem I am having is this applet isn’t being run if the user has set up a rule to forward messages. Is there another event that can trap those messages before they are forwarded so I can make the necessary changes?
If I can trap those messages how can I get the recipients from the rule.
3) Is there possibly a better way to accomplish this then the method that I’ve chosen?
Thanks for any help that you can give me.
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