/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / TRzDateTimeEdit and other Controls

  • Creator
  • #4141

      Dear Support

      Where do i find descriptions about these Controls?

    • Author
    • #7251
      Support 1a

        Thank you for your posting. Here is an excerpt from the readme.txt

        Prior to official component documentation becoming available from Advansys, advanced developers may wish to access the following sources for documentation:

        The components on the Standard, Additional, Win32, System and Dialogs tabs of the component palette are documented in the Borland Delphi VCL help file. This can be downloaded from:

        The components of the Enhanced tab of the component palette are documented in the Raize Components Trial Help files. This can be downloaded from:

        The components on the Netware, LDAP and NDAP tabs of the component palette are Novell’s ‘ActiveX Controls for Novell Services’. Documentation for these components can be found at: http://developer.novell.com/ndk/activex-index.htm.

        The components on the GroupWise tabs of the component palette are Novell’s ‘GroupWise Controls for ActiveX’. Documentation for these controls can be found at: http://developer.novell.com/ndk/gwactive.htm.


        Advansys Support

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