/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Runtime / TPH: GrpWise.exe

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  • #3698

      I seeing a the following error when login out of Groupwise client. TPH: GrpWise.exe -Application Error.

      The instruction at “0x032043a6” referenced memory at “0x0415a470”. The memory could not be “read”.

      Then Error Runtime error 216 at 032043A6

      I am running the Advansys Formativ Runtime verion 2. With Gorupwise 6.5.1 client


    • Author
    • #5856
      Support 1a

        Thank you for your post above. We’ve not seen this error previously. The ‘TPH’ mentioned could be either a Formativ component, or a third party component.

        Could you try uninstalling Formativ Runtime, then re-installing. If the problem persists, please send the Formativ Configuration information to support@advansyscorp.com. You can access the configuration information from the main GroupWise menu: Help | About Formativ. When the About box appear, select the configuration tab. Press the ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button, then paste the contents of the clipboard into a message body.


        Advansys Support


          This is quite old, but do you know if the un-install re-install of Formativ Runtime worked for this user? One of our tech’s doing a standalone install and he gets this error.

          Support 3

            We haven’t had any other report about this issue. I will recommend to follow the “Support 1a” suggestions. If the problem persists then send the Formativ Configuration to support.

            Advansys Support


              Try to reinstall WMS, that once solved the problem for me.

              Support 3

                Thanks for sharing the information.

                Just to confirm, are you referring WMS as “Windows Messaging System”? In case it help others, could you please let us know your Operating System (i.e. XP, etc) and Outlook version (i.e. 2003, 2007).

                Advansys Support

                [This message was edited by Support 3 on November 24, 2009 at 08:12 PM.]

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