• Creator
  • #4412


      Is there a way to insert text into a custom field of a ComposingItem?

      I can insert once a real message is created. But when in composing item the .Fields property is not supported.

      I am trying to add some text to an outgoing email (ComposingItem), this information cannot be an attachment. I was trying the Custom Fields and will investigate x-fiedls…

      Is there a way to do this with an x-field?
      Any work-arounds appreciated.


    • Author
    • #8120
      Support 3

        Unfortunately, you can not add custom fields to a composing/draft message. However, you can add when the message is saved (i.e. stored in GroupWise database). You can save draft message using ItemSaveMessageDraft() token to save a draft copy of the current message in the specified folder. If no folder is specified, the user is prompted to indicate which folder to use.

        See the following thread for more information: http://www.advansyscorp.com/forums/topic/2131098961/

        We haven’t investigate X-Field on composing message, please let us know if you have any success.

        Advansys Support


          I created my own class to handle adding custom fields to a draft message using the Novell Object API. I hope the following code is of some assistance to you.


          ‘ Custom Fields
          Set myFields = New CCustomFields
          If myFields.AttachToMsg(DraftMsg) Then
          Call myFields.SetFieldValue(FIELD_ACCOUNT, NewMsgDlg.eAccount.Text, fgwString)
          Call myFields.SetFieldValue(FIELD_PROJDESC, NewMsgDlg.eProjectDesc.Text, fgwString)
          End If

          Here is the full code of how I send a message with custom fields:

          ' Send the message
          Function SendMessage(ByVal RecipientEmail, ByVal CCEmail, ByVal BCEmail, ByVal Subject, ByVal BodyText, ByVal AttachList)
            Dim i, DraftMsg, SentMsg, myFields
            SendMessage = ""
            ' Use the Object API to create a new draft email message
            Set DraftMsg = GroupWise.Account.Mailbox.Messages.Add("GW.MESSAGE.MAIL", fgwDraft)
            ' Subject and Body
            DraftMsg.Subject = Subject
            DraftMsg.BodyText.PlainText = BodyText
            ' Recepient Field
            If RecipientEmail.Count > 0 Then
              For i = 0 To RecipientEmail.Count - 1
                Call DraftMsg.Recipients.Add(RecipientEmail.EmailAddress(i), "NGW", fgwTo)
            End If
            ' CC Field
            If CCEmail.Count > 0 Then
              For i = 0 To CCEmail.Count - 1
                Call DraftMsg.Recipients.Add(CCEmail.EmailAddress(i), "NGW", fgwCC)
            End If
            ' BC Field
            If BCEmail.Count > 0 Then
              For i = 0 To BCEmail.Count - 1
                Call DraftMsg.Recipients.Add(BCEmail.EmailAddress(i), "NGW", fgwBC)
            End If
            ' Attachments
            Dim sFilename
            For i = 0 to AttachList.Items.Count - 1
              sFilename = Toolbox.NormalizeFilePathLoc(AttachList.Items(i).SubItems(0))
              Utilities.Trace "Attach sFilename " & sFilename
            ' Custom Fields
             Set myFields = New CCustomFields
            If myFields.AttachToMsg(DraftMsg) Then
              Call myFields.SetFieldValue(FIELD_ACCOUNT, NewMsgDlg.eAccount.Text, fgwString)
              Call myFields.SetFieldValue(FIELD_PROJDESC, NewMsgDlg.eProjectDesc.Text, fgwString)
            End If
            ' Send the message and return the message ID
            Set SentMsg = DraftMsg.Send
            If not SentMsg is nothing then
              Utilities.Trace "SentMsg.MessageID=" & SentMsg.MessageID
              SendMessage = SentMsg.MessageID
              Set SentMsg = Nothing
            End If
            Set DraftMsg = Nothing
            Set myFields = Nothing
          End Function

          And here is my class to handle custom fields:

          ' CCustomFields Class
          ' Methods:
          '   AttachToMsg(Msg) - Attach to the current message.  Return a boolean indicating success
          '   SetFieldValue(TheName, TheValue, TheType) - Store TheValue in TheName field
          '   GetFieldValue(TheName, TheType) - Return the value currently stored in the custom field of TheName
          ' Use:
          '   Dim iFields
          '   Set iFields = New CCustomFields
          '   iFields.AttachToMsg(Msg)
          '   MsgBox (iFields.GetFieldValue(FIELD_NAME,1)
          '   Call iFields.SetFieldValue(FIELD_NAME,Value,1)
          ' TheType is of eFieldType
          '   fgwString   1   String
          '   fgwNumeric  2   Numeric (32 bits)
          '   fgwDate     3   Date
          '   fgwBinary   4   Binary
          '   fgwReserved 5   Reserved
          ' This class contains methods designed to make access to GroupWise message
          ' custom fields simpler.  Use the AttachToMsg to connect to the message we
          ' want to write to/read from, then use the SetFieldValue()/GetFieldValue()
          ' methods to read/write the data
          class CCustomFields
            Private iMsg
            Private Sub class_terminate
              set iMsg = nothing
            End sub
            Public Function AttachToMsg(ByRef Msg)
              If Toolbox.SkipErrors Then On Error Resume Next
              AttachToMsg = false
              set iMsg = Msg
              if iMsg is Nothing then
                exit function
                AttachToMsg = true
              end if
            end function
            Public Sub SetFieldValue(ByVal TheName, ByVal TheValue, ByVal TheType)
              If Toolbox.SkipErrors Then On Error Resume Next
              If Len(TheName) = 0 Then Exit Sub
              If Not FieldExists(TheName, TheType) Then
                Call GroupWise.Account.FieldDefinitions.Add(TheName, TheType)
              End If
              Call iMsg.Fields.Add(TheName, TheType, TheValue)
            End Sub
            Public Function GetFieldValue(TheName, TheType)
              If Toolbox.SkipErrors Then On Error Resume Next
              Dim iField
              If iMsg.Fields.Count > 0 Then
                Set iField = iMsg.Fields.Item(TheName, TheType)
                GetFieldValue = iField.Value
                GetFieldValue = ""
              End If
            End Function
            Private Function FieldExists(TheName, TheType)
              If Toolbox.SkipErrors Then On Error Resume Next
              Dim FieldObj
              Dim FieldDefs
              Set FieldDefs = GroupWise.Account.FieldDefinitions
              Set FieldObj = FieldDefs.Item(TheName,TheType)
              If IsObject(FieldObj) Then
                FieldExists = TRUE
                FieldExists = FALSE
              End If
              Set FieldObj = Nothing
              Set FieldDefs = Nothing
           End function
          End Class
          ' End CCustomFields Class

          Please note: You cannot use this class as is, because there are other classes involved that I have not presented.

          Support 3

            Thanks “ctaleck” for sharing this code with us.

            Advansys Support

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