/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Runtime / Junk mail applet not working

  • Creator
  • #3659

    I have purchased and installed the run time version of formativ. In addition, I have installed the junk mail applets to evaluate as a means of controlling our spam. However, When I add an address to tbe blocked as well as key words from the subject and message text it appears that they are not being stored and the e-mails are not being blocked. Where can I veiw the list of addresses and key words?
    We are running GW 6.0 SP2 on windows 2K machine.

  • Author
  • #5767
    Support 1a

      The easiest way to view the details of the blocked addresses and phrases is to view the GroupWise rules the applet builts. In GroupWise, select Tools|Rules. The rules created by the applet should be obvious. Edit them to see the data they block.

      If you have difficulty, let me know and I’ll tell you how to access the data files the rules are based on.

      Advansys Support


      That is what I thought was supposed to be ahppening. However, I have been adding addresses and phases for a week now and I still only have thre formative rules in my rules section and they only contain the last three entries I made. Seems I have a problem here.


      OK I think I have identified the problem with the junk mail applet. Whenever I add a new e-mail address or phrase to block the applet is ouverwriting the existing rules and not adding to them. For example, if I add an address with selecting the low or high filtering mode it will erase the two rules that would normally filter on subject line and text message and replaces the current address rule with the new address rule containing only the current e-mail address. Any suggestions?

      Support 1a

        Thank you for the update. Unfortunately we have not been able to reproduce this problem in-house.

        To assist further could you please send the following files to support@advansyscorp.com:


        You will find these files in the Formativ data directory. To determine the location of your Formativ data directory, check the configuration tab of the Formativ About dialog (you can display the about dialog via the main GroupWise menu Help | About Formativ).


        Advansys Support

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