/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Commercial Formativ Solutions by Advansys / Creating a corporate disclaimer?

  • Creator
  • #4611

      I’m currently trying to solve a GroupWise problem and am currently researching Formativ – to see if it will fit our needs. My current environment is GroupWise 5.5 w/enhancement pack. Our marketing dept. would like to add a disclaimer to all internet bound email (“The information contained in this e-mail message is intended for …”). We also send out pages to support personal etc. via GroupWise – these are sent to numeric addresses. Is there an applet that would allow us to add a disclaimer to all Internet bound email based on a rule or filter corporate wide?



    • Author
    • #8554
      Support 1a

        Thank you for your post. As Formativ is both a solutions and development environment, you have the option of using pre-written solutions, or modifying an existing solution to meet your specific needs.

        We have an example applet which added a disclaimer to outgoing external email in one of our support threads. Here’s the link:

        Outgoing Disclaimer Example

        (Use the source code we posted in reponse to the original question)

        Create a new applet in Formativ, then paste this source code in and save. Comments on how the applet works are found in the comments at the top of the example. Let us know if you have any problems getting this going.

        In terms of adding a disclaimer based on some corporate policy, the applet would need to be modified in order meet such specific requirements. If you would like to proceed down this line and you don’t have the resources in-house to make the modifications your self, please make contact with formativ@advansyscorp.com and we can take it from there.


        Advansys Support

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