/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / GW email recipients to / from Formativ form

  • Creator
  • #5179


      I am working with a formative form that sometimes displays a formative form, and sometimes displays a GroupWise email Reply interface, so I need to be able to grab the form recipients then add to GW email, and also, grab GW email recipients then add to form. I have no idea how to do it.

      Right now, I can add one specific email to my form like this:

      myForm.nccCC.Add “reviews@ipaglobal.com”, “reviews@ipaglobal.com”, 0

      But I really need to add whatever recipients are, from my form to GW, and also from GW to my form.


    • Author
    • #9950
      Support 3

        You can use the Token API to access and set the draft message properties (subject, recipient, body, etc).

        Sample code below access the draft message recipient and set a new recipient.

          dim resultVal
          dim emailAddress
          ' Access recipient from the draft message.
          ' See 'ItemGetText()' Token: http://www.novell.com/document...n/data/h527tv7z.html
          if (GroupWise.Throwtoken("ItemGetText(""X00"";0)", emailAddress)) then
            msgbox "Recipient: " & emailAddress
          end if
          emailAddress = "test@hotmail.com"
          ' Update recipient of the draft message.
          ' See 'ItemSetText()' Token: http://www.novell.com/document...n/data/h527tv7z.html
          if (GroupWise.Throwtoken("ItemSetText(""X00"";0;""" & emailAddress & """;0)", resultVal)) then
            msgbox "Recipient updated: " & emailAddress
          end if

        Code above used Formativ ThrowToken method which uses the native GroupWise Token Commander to execute the given token. The return value from the token is given in the ResultValue parameter. Please see the Formativ Language Guide for more information.


        Advansys Support

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