/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Commercial Formativ Solutions by Advansys / problem with all day events – Enterprise Calendar Dates

  • Creator
  • #4748

      Hi there,

      if i create in the master_mailbox an “all day event” it looks like this:

      only the master_mailbox shows the event in the correct form

      i need a very quick solution for this problem


    • Author
    • #8939
      Support 3

        All Day event option has been added in GroupWise 7.0 and later version. We need to update our solution to support this property. I have added an enhancement request to our database against this solution. We will let you know once we update the solution.

        Here is some additional information about AllDay event.


        AllDay R/W (http://developer.novell.com/documentation/gwobjapi/index.html?gwobjenu/data/h7ikbsqg.html)
        An appointment that lasts all day, so no start time is necessary. AllDay can be read on any type of appointment. It can be set on draft or personal appointments only.
        An AllDay appointment starts at midnight of the first day and ends at midnight of the next day. For example, the properties show up in the Object API StartDate as 23-June-2006 at 12:00:00 a.m. and in the EndDate as 24-June-2006 at 12:00:00 a.m. —GroupWise 7.0 and later

        Advansys Support


          thats wonderfull.

          Enterprise Calender Version 1.2.2 released 1.February 2006…

          Im very astonished that the All-Day-Event (released in Groupwise !!7.0.0!!) not realized is by advansys.

          We buyed the product “Enterprise Calender”. Without the All-Day-Feature the Enterprise Calendar is useless….. All Day events is the primary feature that we use and need (as other groupwise 7 user)

          At this time Enterprise Calendar for us is for the birds

          As we are professional users.. .the information
          “..We will let you know once we update the solution..” is no information.

          As i say – we have buyed the product and the product is not full compatible with groupwise 7.
          The information “..Novell GroupWise 6.5 or higher on the back-end…” is not enough. Tell us when the product is COMPATIBLE.

          please mail me at admin@wipark.com (please – not an anonymous mail)

          Michael Gombkötö

          Support 2

            Dear Michael,

            Thank you for your feedback. We agree that All Day Event support is a good feature to include. While we strive to include all relevant features, we first focus on base reliability with a new GroupWise release (significant work goes on behind the scenes to ensure this, including for interim service packs). After this phase, new feature priority is influenced by requests from existing and potential customers.

            We appreciate your need for this feature is urgent and we will aim to deliver an early version to you as soon as it is tested in-house.

            We will email you in addition to this reply.


            Advansys Support

            Support 3

              We have updated the solution to support the All Day event (GroupWise 7 and later) and Private message property. We have emailed you the updated applet. We look forward to hear from you.

              Advansys Support


                Excuse for the late reply… much work..
                Now i have tested the new release of Enterprise Calendar and it works very fine !

                thank you very much for the quick response and the prompt correction !!

                Support 3

                  Thanks for your feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or comments.

                  Advansys Support

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