/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Mouse Cursor Hour Glass vs. Progress Bar?

  • Creator
  • #4252

      Hi, I’ve been looking for a Formativ option to display the Window’s hour glass cursor while an applet is processing. I have used a Processing Bar in a form, but this is more then we need for some situations. I haven’t found a reference for doing this in help or in this Forum. Is it possible to access the Window’s mouse object, and if so could you please provide an example? My VB attempts have failed.

      I appreciate your thoughts on this,

    • Author
    • #7606
      Support 3

        See below a sample code to set the cursor and delphi “VCL Reference”:

        Show hourglass cursor
        Screen.Cursor = crHourGlass

        Show default cursor
        Screen.Cursor = crDefault

        Delphi “VCL Reference”:


        Controls the mouse cursor image on a global level.

        property Cursor: TCursor;


        Set Cursor to override the cursor image associated with individual control objects. When Cursor is crDefault, the individual objects determine the cursor image. Assigning any other value sets the mouse cursor image for all windows belonging to the application. The global mouse cursor image remains in effect until the screen’s Cursor property is changed back to crDefault.

        Cursor can be set to any of the cursor values available in the Cursors property. This can be one of the built-in cursor values, or a custom cursor that has been added to the Cursors property.

        Note: Changes to the value of the Cursor property may not show up immediately. Call Application.ProcessMessages to allow the application to respond to a notification that the value has changed.

        Hope this helps.

        Advansys Support


          Perfect – thank you!

          Support 3

            Great news. Thanks for your feedback.

            Advansys Support

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