/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / How to tell user Configuration Association?

  • Creator
  • #4346

      Is there a way to tell which Formativ Applet Configuration a given user is associated to?

      We are running Console One version 1.3.6e.

      After associating a user with a Configuration we can not tell 1) which users are associated with a given configuration, or 2) what configuration a given user is associated with.

      Am I missing something? Thanks

    • Author
    • #7876
      Support 2

        No, you are not missing anything and below is some background which may help.

        Q: How can I view the eDirectory object associations related to a Formativ Configuration Object or Applet Library?

        At this stage we don’t offer an application feature which reports on or identifies which users have access to a Configuration or Library object, although it is on our enhancement list for a future release. The association between an object, such as User, Organizational Unit, Organization and Group and its Formativ Configuration object (which defines the Library access), is stored in the object’s See Also attribute.

        Kind Regards,

        Advansys Support


          Can this be changed to another attribute? We currently use the “See Also” field for what it was intended for and now it is displaying “Development+config” in our see also list. This can be very confusing for our end users!

          Please advise.

          Support 2

            This is a non-trivial change but we will log your request and reason for consideration when these features are reviewed. When this feature was initially designed and developed, we spent considerable time consulting with Novell eDirectory engineers before settling on the choice of attribute usage.

            Kind Regards,

            Advansys Support

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