/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Filter in GroupWise Address Book for logged-in user

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  • #4019

      I am trying to get the Full Name field for the logged-in user from the GroupWise Address book (and not through an LDAP query to e-directory). The whole thing crashes with syntax errors on my attempt to Find, no matter if I include or exclude the brackets. Anything obvious I’m doing wrong here?

      Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
      dim oField
      dim oEntry
      dim oFieldObj
      dim oAddressBook

      set oAddressBook = GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks.Item(“Novell GroupWise Address Book”)


      Set oEntry = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Find(<EMailAddress> CONTAINS UserID)
      if oEntry is nothing then
      msgbox “oEntry is nothing. Quitting”
      exit sub
      end if

      msgbox “Name: ” & oEntry.DisplayName

      Set oFieldObj = oEntry.Fields
      Set FullName = oFiledObj.Item(23)

      End Sub

    • Author
    • #6870
      Support 1

        The filter string should be quoted, and your email address field syntax is incorrect. Correct usage is as follows:

          set oEntry = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Find("(<E-Mail Address> CONTAINS """ & UserId & """)")

        The method Find returns a collection of address book entries. The code should read each address book entry from that collection. Correct usage is as follows:

          set oEntry = oEntries.Item(1)
          set oFieldObj = oEntry.Fields

        If we only want the full name of the logged-in user, then there is no need to use the address book, which is very inefficient. We can do so as follows:

          msgbox "Name: " & groupwise.account.owner.displayname & vbcrlf & _
                 "Email: " & groupwise.account.owner.emailaddress

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support


          Thanks for the help. Setting the syntax to:
          set oEntry = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Find(“(<E-Mail Address> CONTAINS “”” & UserId & “””)”)

          Results in the following error in running the applet:
          “Invalid procedure call or argument on [that line], column 0”

          If I try (which is more precisely what I want):
          set oEntry = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Find(“(<E-Mail Address> BEGINSWITH “”” & UserId & “””)”)
          I get an error when running the applet:
          “Invalid operator for data type at [that line], column 0”

          Does either of these work on your end?

          I need the Full Name, e.g. John Q. Smith, and not the display name, e.g. John Smith (missing the middle initial), of the logged-in user. Full Name is not one of the 20 normal Novell GroupWise Address Book fields, thus I made it a Admin-Defined Field in GroupWise mapped to the e-directory Full Name field (thus the oFieldObj.Item(23) in my code). I don’t want to use LDAP to query e-directory for this field directly because doing so requires ActiveX, which is slow to respond and requires a per-user registration of ActiveX on Windows XP. Is there a better/another way to get at the Full Name?

          If I try:
          msgbox “Name: ” & groupwise.account.owner.fullname
          I get the error:
          “Object doesn’t support this property or method: ‘GroupWise.Account.owner.fullname’ at line 20, column 1”

          Very frustrating. Thanks for whatever help you can offer.

          Support 1

            I am not sure why you get the error ‘Invalid procedure call…’ That line of code works fine for us (GroupWise 6.5.1). What version of the GroupWise client are you using?

            Novell’s online documentation here notes the method AddressBookEntries.Find does not support the BEGINSWITH operator.

            The properties of Address object GroupWise.Account.Owner are fixed (see the API documentation). The Object API knows nothing about admin-defined fields, so you cannot retrieve your FullName property in this way.

            Below is a complete sample applet. Note that collections such as AddressBookEntries, Fields are 1-based (not zero-based, like VBScript arrays).

            ' Displays a dialog, listing every field in the first
            ' address book entry matching the logged-in user.
            sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
              dim iUserId
              dim iText
              dim oEntry
              dim oEntries
              dim oField
              dim oFields
              dim oAddressBook
              set oAddressBook = GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks.Item("Novell GroupWise Address Book")
              iUserId = Groupwise.EnvUserID()
              set oEntries = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Find("(<E-Mail Address> CONTAINS """ & iUserId & """)")
              if oEntries is nothing then
                msgbox "oEntries is nothing. Quitting"
                exit sub
              end if
              set oEntry = oEntries.Item(1)
              set oFields = oEntry.Fields
              iText = ""
              for each oField in oFields
                iText = iText & "Name: " & oField.Name & ", Value: " & oField.Value & vbCrLf
              msgbox iText
              set oField = nothing
              set oFields = nothing
              set oEntry = nothing
              set oEntries = nothing
              set oAddressBook = nothing
            end sub

            Advansys Support


              That worked great. Thanks. I had confused Entry and Entries in my code.

              Support 1

                Glad to be of service!

                Advansys Support

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