
    Thank you for the prompt response!

    I’m actually communicating FOR our developer, so the next question is:

    The developer found the error and handled it in a different manner. I’ve cut and pasted the script below. Are there any inherent dangers in THIS script?

    ‘ Insert your comments here

    Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

    Dim objAddressBooks
    Dim objAddessBook
    Dim objAddressBookEntry
    Dim objSubject
    Dim objMessage
    Dim objMsg
    Dim objAttach
    Dim objAttachs
    Dim iAttachCounter
    Dim iMsgID
    Dim iFilter

    Set objMsg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
    objSubject = objMsg.Subject
    objMessage = objMsg.BodyText
    ‘ iFilter = GroupWise.FilterReset()
    ‘ msgBox(iFilter)

    ‘ Get the composing message ID through TOKEN
    iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
    ‘ Make sure we have a composing message selected
    iAttachCounter = GroupWise.ItemAttachmentGetCount(iMsgID)
    if (iAttachCounter > 0) then
    for x = 0 to (iAttachCounter -1)
    objAttach = objAttach & GroupWise.ItemAttachmentGetName(iMsgID, x) & “;”
    objAttachs = Split(objAttach, “;”)
    end if

    ‘ Get the AddressBooks object
    Set objAddressBooks = GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks
    ‘ Locate the address book called ‘Address Book’

    Set objAddressBook = objAddressBooks.Item(“Contacts for Newsletter”)

    ‘ Display the email address of each entry in the book

    For Each objAddressBookEntry In objAddressBook.AddressBookEntries
    if objAddressBookEntry.emailaddress <> “” Then
    ‘ Create new mail message
    Call GroupWise.NewMail
    ‘ Enter the recipient
    Call GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsTo, “”)
    Call GroupWise.TypeText(objAddressBookEntry.emailaddress)

    ‘ Enter the subject
    Call GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsSubject, “”)
    Call GroupWise.TypeText(objSubject)
    ‘ Enter the message body, first insert the greeting from contact comment field
    ‘ after that enter the text as type in the previous window
    Call GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsMessage, “”)

    Call GroupWise.TypeText(objMessage)
    ‘ Add attachment if any
    if (iAttachCounter > 0) then
    ‘ Loop through attachments to get the names
    for x = 0 to (iAttachCounter -1)
    call GroupWise.ItemAttachmentAdd(“X00”, itcAttachClassFile, objAttachs(x), “”)
    end if

    ‘ Send the message
    Call GroupWise.ItemSend(False)
    end if

    Set objAddressBook = Nothing
    Set objAddressBooks = Nothing
    Set objMsg = Nothing