Here is my very long search term:
“acquisition” OR “actual cost” OR “actual price” OR “ain’t what’s paid” OR “aint whats paid” OR “AMP” OR “APhA” OR “ASP” OR “average manufacturer price” OR “average price” OR “Average Sales Price” OR “AWP” OR “average wholesale price” OR “benchmark” OR “Best Price” OR “Blue Book” OR “BP” OR “Cardinal” OR “carve out” OR “chargeback” OR “CMS” OR “Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services” OR “Direct price” OR “Discount” OR “DP” OR “DPW” OR “Drug cost” OR “Drug payment methodology” OR “Drug pric” OR “EAC” OR “FAC” OR “Facts & Comparisons” OR “false cost” OR “false price” OR “FDB” OR “First Data Bank” OR “First DataBank” OR “FSS” OR “generic” OR “HCFA” OR “IMS” OR “Ingredient cost” OR “invoice cost” OR “invoice price” OR “J Code” OR “MAC” OR “Margin” OR “market price” OR “Markup” OR “Mark-up” OR “Master Drug Database” OR “MDDB” OR “Maximum Allowable Cost” OR “MCO” OR “Medispan” OR “MMCAP” OR “multiple source” OR “multi-source” OR “multi source” OR “NAAG” OR “NACDS” OR “NAMFCU” OR “NASMD” OR “National Association of Attorneys General” OR “National Association of Medicaid Fraud Control Units” OR “net cost” OR “net price” OR “NWP” OR “PDL” OR “payment method” OR “Pharmaceutical Providers” OR “Pharmacy Association” OR “Pharmacy pricing” OR “preferred drug list” OR “Price Alert” OR “Price Chek” OR “Price Probe” OR “Pricing benchmark” OR “professional cost” OR “real cost” OR “real price” OR “rebate” OR “Red Book” OR “shortfall” OR “SLP” OR “suggested list price” OR “sticker price” OR “suggested price” OR “SUL” OR “State upper limit” OR “SWP” OR “true cost” OR “True price” OR “U&C” OR “URA” OR “Usual and Customary” OR “Ven-A-Care” OR “venacare” OR “WAC” OR “WHN” OR “Wholesale” OR “WLP” OR “WPP”
This search term returns a lot of extra emails. If you look at the preview it highlights the word “and” and “of” which are both in the search term but are part of a phrase and not by themselves.
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