The ‘eDirectory Tree could not be set.” error appears to be related to authentication while Archive To Go is attempting a system connection and subsequent discovery. The error may relate to the specific topology of your GroupWise system.
Are you running the NetWare Client?
To get access to the primary domain folder, I presume you must be logged into server which hosts the primary domain?
Do you happen to have a GroupWise system which spans across two NDS trees?
If you have multiple NDS Trees in your system, what happens if you authenticate to the multiple Trees prior to attempting to access the primary domain?
BTW, if you manage to resolve the Tree connection error and get to the System Properties dialog, when you attempt to create the Trusted App key, I would recommend that you DO NOT specify an “Optional Workstation TCP/IP Address and Port No:”. This feature is an additional, optional security setting which restricts Trusted Application access to the workstation with the specified IP address and port number. However, it is recommended that you DO specify the connection settings for each Post Office in your system.
This type of problem usually always relates to an authentication/rights issue, even if the cause is not obvious at first. If you cannot find a resolution by reviewing your server and tree authentication, we can make available a GroupWise Trusted Application debug DLL which will provide additional information on where the authentication process is failing.
If you would like to supply us with system details which you feel would be helpful but which you would rather not post in this forum, please feel free to send an email to
Kind Regards,
Advansys Support