/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Commercial Formativ Solutions by Advansys / Feature Request – Filing Assistant

  • Creator
  • #4817

      Hi there,

      I love Filing Assistant!!

      I find myself typing searches that I know will get me 2-3 search results that will include the folder I want. It would be GREAT if there was a checkbox to remember that keyword and match it to the folder I select making that folder the future default for that search. For example, I have two folders called Website and Website Redesign. I search for webs and then select the second option. Using this feature I could set website redesign as the default for the keyword webs saving me future time. This would also allow people to create custom keywords where I could search for w and then make websites the default for that keyword. This would be super handy for folders to which I send a large number of emails.

      Thanks for your consideration!


    • Author
    • #9108
      Support 2

        Hi Sean, thanks very much for your feedback and feature request. We use Filing Assistant internally every day too. Smile

        You should be able to achieve a similar outcome by using the Edit Folder feature, which can be accessed via the left hand side menu or by double clicking on the folder’s description column (see link below).


        In the Description: field, you can add any keyword you like, either from the right hand side Keywords list extracted from the email or simply just type the keyword manually in the correct format, such as [web]. Filing Assistant will use these keywords to give the associated folder a higher ranking when it is matched with an email’s address/subject data or when you type text manually in the search field.

        I hope this will assist you to customize Filing Assistant to better meet your needs.

        Please let us know if you have any questions.

        Kind regards,

        Advansys Support


          That worked perfectly. Thanks again for a great product and the quick response!

          Support 3

            Great, thanks for letting us know and glad it was of assistance.


            Advansys Support

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