/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Free Solutions from GroupWise Cool Solutions or Advansys / Can From: field be locked down ot original sender ?

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  • #4585

      Got a few management types that stumbled on the From: field and the ability to “put in text/another name”. They think this is a security concern and want it changed. I explained that Novell says this is working as designed; BUT, they want it fixed ! PITA’s they are …

      We have Formativ … can it be used to create an applet to somehow do this … set it back to the originator ?

    • Author
    • #8474
      Support 3

        If we understand correctly, you want to set “From” field of the sent message to the logged in user. For example, logged in user is “Test1”, he/she want to send a message and set the From field to “Test2”. You want to prevent this and make sure From field set to “Test1”.

        As you know, draft message From field can be changed in GroupWise client. However, its possible write a Formativ Applet and set applet integration to message OnSend event. Applet will execute when user press the Send button, where the applet will set the From field to the logged in user.

        If you have in-house Visual Basic Scripting (VBS) programming experience then you can write the Formativ applet. Otherwise you need to contact our custom development team (support@advansyscorp.com) or our partners (http://advansyscorp.com/resellers_formativ.htm).

        Advansys Support

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