/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Free Solutions from GroupWise Cool Solutions or Advansys / Open source version of the Formativ applet central

  • Creator
  • #4569


      I’m new to formativ and I have downloaded some of the free applets of the Formativ appet central on the Novell Cool Solutions Website.

      When i install them on my Formativ Creator and i edit them U have only the constant and then a flexalock script which is unreadable.

      On the site, it is said the following :
      The installation program will install the appropriate Formativ Applet automatically. If you have Formativ Runtime installed, the Flexalock(tm) Applet version will be installed. If you have Formativ Creator (or Studio) installed, if provided, the open source applet version will be installed.

      If someone has an idea of the problem ?

      I tried the applets :
      Mark All Read and
      Export GroupWise appointments into Excel (this is the one that really interested me)

      Sorry for my poor english
      Christian from France

    • Author
    • #8435
      Support 3

        Hi Christian,

        Thanks for your post. As we stated “if provided, the open source applet version will be installed”.

        However, you can send a message to “support@advansyscorp.com” and request the source of the solution. We usually request to provide us with any changes that you will make to the source. If it is something we feel may be useful to other GroupWise users, we could consider publishing an update to the GroupWise Cool Solutions community.

        Advansys Support

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