/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Free Solutions from GroupWise Cool Solutions or Advansys / QuickSend applet – Groupwise crash when send to large numbers

  • Creator
  • #4529

      When using the Quick Send applet to send to a CSV file containing 1,000+ Email addresses, Groupwise freezes, processes a proportion of the list then crashes. What is the maximum number that can be safely sent to using this tool?

      Secondly, though the ‘Auto-Delete’ sent item tool has been selected when sending out to large groups, Sent items still appear for all recipients sent to causing the mailbox size to go up to 3,000% on one occasion.

    • Author
    • #8328
      Support 3

        Which verson of GroupWise client are you running?

        Advansys Support


          Novell Groupwise 6.5.4


          Originally posted by Support 3:
          Which verson of GroupWise client are you running?

          Advansys Support

          Support 3

            We can reproduce the issue in GroupWise 6.5.6 (build 1/02/2006). This applet is updated to forces Windows to process any pending messages in the Windows application message queue. We will send a copy of the updated applet to you soon.

            Advansys Support



            I’m having the same problem with an applet I wrote myself. It works fine but when sending the 148th message, the Groupwise client crashes.

            I have downloaded the quick_recipient_solution.exe file, but the Formativ applet is quite unreadable for normal human beings 😉 Can you please post the trick to “force Windows to process any pending messages in the Windows application message queue”?

            I need this applet to send about 500-1000 mails with a personal greeting in the first line of the message body. To achieve this, the user picks an address book, and the applet processes every entry in this book. For the personal greeting it picks some information stored in each contact. This works fine for small address books but unfortunally not for larger books.

            Posting your solutions is very appreciated.

            Kind regards,
            Roland Leurs

            Support 3

              Please see below the source code of the “Quick Send” applet. You need to copy the source code and paste into an applet. You need the Formativ Creator or Studio (http://www.advansyscorp.com/formativ_framework.htm) to create and manage the applet. Please note, Advansys do not provide support for the example and cool solutions solution. Hope this helps.

              ' Formativ Solutions for GroupWise
              ' Quick Send
              ' Designed by: Formativ Business Solution Team
              ' Copyright (c) 2003 Advansys Pty Limited (www.advansyscorp.com)
              ' Version 1.0
              ' DESCRIPTION:
              ' Sends one copy of the current open email message to each recipient email
              ' address stored in a flat text file.
              ' NOTES:
              ' - The text file must contain one email address per line. 
              ' - The email address must contain the '@' character.  The applet ignores 
              '   address(s) not containing the '@' character.
              ' - Run the applet by pressing the button that appears on a composing email
              '   message toolbar.
              ' - You must save the composing email message before you can run the applet.
              ' - The applet has been tested with GroupWise 6.5.1 and 6.0.2
              ' HISTORY:
              ' 19 June 2003 MA: Initial release
              ' 2006-08-08  MA 1.0.1
              '     - Utilities.doevents added when sending and cloning messages.
              '       We need to forces Windows to process any pending messages in the Windows application message queue
              '       when sending large groups.
              const IDS_CAPTION               = "Formativ Business Solutions"
              const IDS_NO_MSG_VIEW           = "An error occurred while locating the saved message.  Close all message(s) views, then open the master draft message and run the applet again."
              const IDS_SAVE_MSG              = "Please save the message (CTRL+S) and run the applet again to proceed."
              const IDS_EMPTY_FILE            = "The selected recipients file is empty."
              const IDS_CONFIRMATION          = " email messages will be generated.  Do you want to proceed?"
              const IDS_MSG_BOX_TYPE          = "The message is not draft.  Please run the applet from a composing or draft message toolbar."
              const IDS_INVALID_MSG           = "Unable to access the message.  Please save and close the message, then open the message and try again."
              const IDS_FILE_SELECT_DLG       = "Select the address text file..."
              const IDS_INVALID_ADDRESS       = "This file does not contains any valid email addresses."
              const IDS_STATUS_INIT           = "Initializing...[Please wait]"
              const IDS_STATUS_SEND           = "Sending Messages...[Please wait]"
              const IDS_MESSAGES_SENT         = "Total messages sent: "
              dim gStatusDlg
              ' Main Line processing 
              Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                dim iRecipientsList
                on error resume next
                set gStatusDlg = Utilities.NewStatusDialog
                iMessageID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
                ' Do we have a valid message ID?
                if not IsValidMessageID(iMessageID) then
                  exit sub
                end if  
                ' Find the message 
                set iMsg = groupwise.account.GetMessage(iMessageID) 
                ' Do we have the message object?
                if not isobject(iMsg) then
                  call msgbox(IDS_INVALID_MSG, vbCritical, IDS_CAPTION)
                  exit sub
                end if
                ' Make sure the message type is draft
                if (iMsg.BoxType <> fgwDraft) then
                  call msgbox(IDS_MSG_BOX_TYPE, vbCritical, IDS_CAPTION)
                  exit sub  
                end if
                set iRecipientsList = utilities.stringlist
                ' Select the addresses list file and validate the addresses  
                if not SelectRecipientsList(iRecipientsList) then
                  exit sub
                end if
                ' Confirmation message box before sending the message to the recipients
                if (MsgBox (iRecipientsList.count & IDS_CONFIRMATION, vbOKCancel+vbInformation, IDS_CAPTION) = vbCancel) then
                  exit sub
                end if
                ' Send messages
                call SendMessage(iRecipientsList, iMsg)  
                Set iMsg = nothing  
              End Sub
              ' Send the message to the recipients
              sub SendMessage(aList, aMsg)
                dim x
                dim iDlg
                dim iAddress
                dim iMasterMsg
                dim iCloneMsg
                dim iCounter
                dim iListBoxCtl
                dim iSentMsg
                dim iTotalMessages
                on error resume next
                iTotalMessages = 0
                if not isobject(aMsg) then
                  exit sub
                end if
                if (aList.count = 0) then
                  exit sub
                end if
                gStatusDlg.Title = IDS_STATUS_SEND
                gStatusDlg.ProgressRange = aList.count
                set iSentItemsList = utilities.stringlist
                set iMasterMsg = aMsg.Clone
                set iDlg = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog
                set iListBoxCtl = iDlg.AddListBoxControl   
                ' Clear all recipients if exists
                iCounter = iMasterMsg.Recipients.count
                if (iCounter > 0) then
                  for x = 1 to iCounter
                end if
                ' Sending messages to each recipients
                for x = 0 to aList.count -1
                  iAddress = trim(aList.strings(x))
                  if (iAddress <> "") then
                    'utilities.trace("iAddress: " & iAddress)
                    ' Clone the message
                    set iCloneMsg = nothing
                    set iCloneMsg = iMasterMsg.clone
                    call iCloneMsg.Recipients.add(iAddress)        
                    ' Send the message
                    set iSentMsg = nothing
                    set iSentMsg = iCloneMsg.send
                    ' Make sure we have send the message
                    if (iSentMsg.MessageID <> "") then
                    end if
                    if not iSentMsg is nothing then
                      iTotalMessages = iTotalMessages + 1
                      gStatusDlg.StatusText = IDS_MESSAGES_SENT & iTotalMessages
                    end if
                    set iSentMsg = nothing
                    set iCloneMsg = nothing
                  end if
                  gStatusDlg.ProgressPosition = x
                iDlg.Caption = IDS_CAPTION
                iDlg.title = iListBoxCtl.items.count & " messages sent to:"
                iDlg.Button2Visible = FALSE
                set iMasterMsg = nothing
              end sub
              ' Is the message ID is valid?
              function IsValidMessageID(aID)
                IsValidMessageID = FALSE
                if (len(aID) = 0) then
                  exit function
                end if
                if (instr(1, aID, "Token failed execution", 1) <> 0) then
                  call msgbox(IDS_NO_MSG_VIEW, vbExclamation, IDS_CAPTION)  
                  exit function
                end if
                if (aID = "X00") then
                  call msgbox(IDS_SAVE_MSG, vbExclamation, IDS_CAPTION)
                  exit function
                end if
                IsValidMessageID = TRUE 
              end function
              ' Select the recipients list file and make sure the contents are valid
              function SelectRecipientsList(byref aList)
                SelectRecipientsList = FALSE
                dim iFileCTL
                ' Display file select dialog
                Set iFileCTL = Utilities.NewOpenFileDialog
                iFileCTL.Title = IDS_FILE_SELECT_DLG
                 iFileCTL.Filter = "Text File (*.txt)|*.TXT"
                ' Execute the file select dialog
                if not iFileCTL.execute then
                  exit function
                end if
                dim x
                dim iAddress
                dim iTempList
                set iTempList = utilities.stringlist
                gStatusDlg.Title = IDS_STATUS_INIT
                gStatusDlg.ProgressRange = iTempList.count
                if (iTempList.count = 0) then
                  call msgbox(IDS_EMPTY_FILE, vbExclamation, IDS_CAPTION)  
                  exit function
                end if
                ' Validate the address(s). 
                ' - Make sure we have @ characters in the address
                ' - Do not include duplicate address
                for x = 0 to iTempList.count -1
                  iAddress = iTempList.strings(x)
                  if (instr(1, iAddress, "@", 1) <> 0) and (len(iAddress) > 1) and (aList.indexof(iAddress) = -1) then
                  end if
                  gStatusDlg.ProgressPosition = x
                ' Do we have any address(s) after validate? 
                if (aList.count = 0) then
                  call msgbox(IDS_INVALID_ADDRESS, vbExclamation, IDS_CAPTION)  
                  exit function  
                end if
                SelectRecipientsList = TRUE
              end function  

              Advansys Support


              You add the Utilities.doevents lines in order to prevent Groupwise from crashing, don’t you? Unfortunally this does not solve my problem as Groupwise still crashes after sending 140 – 160 messages.

              Here is what I do:
              The first step is select 1 address book to which the message will be send.
              The second step is enter a subject line and the messagebody in a Formativ form
              Optionally, an attachment can be selected

              After these steps, my applet enters its main loop, i.e. sending the message to each contact in the selected address book. In the body a greeting will be inserted on the first line. This greeting is stored in the contacts comment field. This is how I create and send the message:

              for Each AdressBookItem in AddressBook
              if AdressBookItem.emailaddress <> “” Then
              ‘ Create new mail message
              Call GroupWise.NewMail
              ‘ Enter the recipient
              Call GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsTo, “”)
              Call GroupWise.TypeText(AdressBookItem.emailaddress)
              ‘ Enter the subject
              Call GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsSubject, “”)
              Call GroupWise.TypeText(mailbericht.mailberichtEdit1.text)
              ‘ Enter the message body, first insert the greeting from contact comment field
              ‘ after that enter the text as type in the previous window
              Call GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsMessage, “”)
              call GroupWise.TypeText(AdressBookItem.Comments)
              call GroupWise.TypeText(chr(10) & chr(13))
              Call GroupWise.TypeText(mailbericht.mailberichtMemo1.text)
              ‘ Add attachment if any
              If bijlage <> “” Then
              call GroupWise.ItemAttachmentAdd(“X00”, itcAttachClassFile, bijlage, “”)
              end if
              ‘ Send the message
              Call GroupWise.ItemSend(False)
              end if

              But this is quite tricky, as user intervention might disrupt the creation and sending the message. And if the user doesn’t touch the computer, it always crashed after sending about 150 messages.

              So I tried to change the main loop to:

              for Each AdressBookItem in AddressBook
              if AdressBookItem.emailaddress <> “” Then
              ‘ Create new mail message
              Call GroupWise.NewMail
              ‘ Add the recipient and subject
              ‘ Add the message body, first add the greeting from contact comment field
              ‘ after that add the text as type in the previous window
              GroupWise.CurrentItem.Body=AdressBookItem.Comments & chr(10) & chr(13) & mailbericht.mailberichtMemo1.text
              ‘ Add attachment if any
              If bijlage <> “” Then
              call GroupWise.ItemAttachmentAdd(“X00”, itcAttachClassFile, bijlage, “”)
              end if
              ‘ Send the message
              Call GroupWise.ItemSend(False)
              end if

              … trying to avoid the focus and typetext methods. But the subjects, to and body fields are left blank. Is this basically wrong, as I do not get any run-time or compilation error messages. After the “Call GroupWise.ItemSend(False)” command Groupwise displays a message box and says I have to enter a recipient in the To field. I’m using GW7, dutch version.

              How can I send hundreds of mail with a personal greeting if this doesn’t work?

              Thanks for your support,
              Kind regards,
              Roland Leurs

              Support 2

                Use our Personalized Emailer solution… Wink

                Regards and Happy Holidays,

                Advansys Support


                Well, I’m sorry but your Personalized Emailer applet is not very usable in my environment. Although the specs look good, it could probably solve some other problems too, but unfortunaly it crashes when I start it:

                Error message #1:
                Formativ Applet runtime error
                C:Documents and SettingsadminMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsPersonalized Emailer_Flexalock.vbf
                File name or class name not found during Automation operation: ‘RegExp’ at line 4434, column 5

                Error message #2:
                Formativ Applet runtime error
                C:Documents and SettingsadminMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsPersonalized Emailer_Flexalock.vbf
                Object required: ‘oRegExp’ at line 4527, column 5

                Error message #3:
                Formativ Applet runtime error
                C:Documents and SettingsadminMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsPersonalized Emailer_Flexalock.vbf
                Object required: ‘oRegExp’ at line 356, column 3

                I’m running this applet on a Groupwise 6.5.5 client, Dutch language.

                Support 3

                  Soory for the delay in our response.

                  You may need to re-register the vbscript.dll file with the server. Please see the syntax:
                  c:windowssystem32> regsvr32 vbscript.dll

                  If the problem persists then you need to re-install the Windows Script host from the url below:

                  Hope this helps.

                  Advansys Support

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