• Creator
  • #4517


      I’m wanting to create a new applet which I can use as a default ‘new mail’ button. Basicallay I need to merge these two applets so that the company logo and footer automatically populate the email without having to click the signature button.

      This is the new mail applet code

      Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

      Dim Msg

      ‘ Create a new visible email message


      ‘ Attempt to access the composing item

      ‘ If available, set its subject and body text

      Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem

      If Msg is Nothing Then

      MsgBox(“No composing item available”)


      Msg.Subject = “Re:”

      Msg.BodyText = “”

      Set Msg = Nothing

      End If

      End Sub

      And this is the signature code

      Dim Dlg
      HRT = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
      Const CAPTION = “Formativ Business Solutions”
      ‘ Default extension
      Const mHTML = 2
      Const sSigExt = “.txt”
      ‘ Path to the signature file folder
      sSigDir = Utilities.GetDataDirectory + “Signatures”

      ‘ Main line processing

      Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

      Dim Msg

      If ValidMsg(Msg) Then
      AddSignature(sSigDir + LCASE(GroupWise.EnvUserID))
      Call MsgBox(“No GroupWise items are available.”, 64, CAPTION)
      End If

      End Sub

      ‘ Add signature to the message

      Sub AddSignature(sBaseName)

      Dim FSO
      Dim sExt

      Set FSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

      sFileName = “”
      bText = FALSE
      bHTML1 = FALSE
      bHTML2 = FALSE

      ‘First check for file existence
      if FSO.FileExists(sBaseName + sSigExt) then
      bText = TRUE
      end if
      if FSO.FileExists(sBaseName + “.htm”) then
      bHTML1 = TRUE
      end if
      if FSO.FileExists(sBaseName + “.html”) then
      bHTML2 = TRUE
      end if

      if (not bText) and (not bHTML1) and (not bHTML2) then
      Call MsgBox(“Unable to find the signature file [” & sBaseName & “.txt, .htm or .html].” & HRT &_
      “Please contact your system administrator for assistance.”, 64, CAPTION)
      exit sub
      end if

      ‘ Check which editing mode is being used, HTML or Plain Text
      If GroupWise.EnvEditorStyle = mHTML then
      if bHTML1 then
      sFileName = sBaseName + “.htm”
      end if
      if bHTML2 then
      sFileName = sBaseName + “.html”
      end if
      if (not bHTML1) and (not bHTML2) and bText then
      sFileName = sBaseName + “.txt”
      end if
      if bText then
      sFileName = sBaseName + “.txt”
      Call MsgBox(“Unable to find the signature file. Please contact your system administrator for assistance.”, 64, CAPTION)
      exit sub
      end if
      end if

      ‘Set the position where you want to place the signature.
      ‘ To place the signature at the:
      ‘ top of the message – uncomment Call GroupWise.PosTextTop
      ‘ end of the message – uncomment Call GroupWise.PosToEndOfText
      ‘Call GroupWise.PosTextTop
      ‘Call GroupWise.PosToEndOfText
      Call GroupWise.Retrieve(sFileName)
      ‘uncomment next GroupWise PosTextTop line if you want the cursor to
      ‘reposition to the top of the message after the signature is added.
      ‘Call GroupWise.PosTextTop

      Set FSO = Nothing

      End Sub

      ‘ Do we have a composing item available?

      Function ValidMsg(ByRef Msg)

      On Error Resume Next
      Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem

      If Msg is Nothing then
      ValidMsg = FALSE
      ValidMsg = TRUE
      End If

      End Function

      I can get them both working idependently, but not in the same applet.

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