/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Fix Invalid Name for a Form

  • Creator
  • #4389

      Help. I renamed a form and now I cannot open the form. I get the error “Account Dialog” is not a valid component name. How do I recover from this? I’m guessing it is the space in the name. Why did the rename dialog allow this… Frown

    • Author
    • #8049
      Support 1

        Thanks for reporting this, which I will add to list of requested enhancements for a future version.

        To fix the problem, rename the form in the Formativ IDE as follows:

        • Click the Forms button (do not open the drop-down menu of existing forms). This will open the Forms dialog, which displays a list of the forms already in the applet.
        • Select the item “Account Dialog” in the list.
        • Click Rename… and enter a different name on the displayed dialog.
        • Click Edit to edit the form, or Close to close the Forms dialog.

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

        Support 3

          In addition to the Support1 response.

          We have added an enhancement request to our database to prevent the space in Form name.

          It’s a good practice to periodicly backup Applets by simply copying them to another location. Default Formativ applets folder, usually “c:Documents and SettingsUSER-NAMEMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativApplets”.

          Advansys Support

          [This message was edited by Support 3 on September 11, 2008 at 02:25 PM.]


            The error I spoke of actually appears when I click on the Rename button, not only the Edit button. So that did not work for me.

            The solution I figured out was to use a binary editor to edit the .VBF and .VB~ files to change the name in the XML code. That worked for me. Notepad did not work as it destroyed the binary form data.

            Backups of forms (using export) and copying the VBF files is now a regular part of my work process. 🙂

            Support 3

              We are pleased to hear that you have recovered the Form.

              Advansys Support

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