/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Root Folder Path in Groupwise 7

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  • #4216

      in Groupwise 6.5 i used the displayname to build the root folder path. Now in Groupwise 7, there is a syntax like “Prename Lastname Home” or in German “Prename Lastname Basisordner” and so on.

      How could i access my folders now????

      I want to safe items in a special Folder:

      iFolderPath = groupwise.account.owner.displayname & “Drafts”

      But now ??? I don’t know the word after the Username, because we use Groupwise worldwide in different languages. How could i get the root folder path???

      Thanks for your help

    • Author
    • #7511
      Support 3

        Hi kempf,

        We also could not access the root folder name on GroupWise 7.0.1B (2/17/2006) with the localized word for “Home”. We can only access the root folder name without the word “Home”. We have followed the updated Object API documentation (see below) to access Owner object of the account and retrieve the display name but it return the name without the word “Home”.

        Looks like it could be a bug in the GroupWise Object API. We’ll ask Novell about this issue. More information might be available over in the Novell GroupWise developer forums:

        Another thought, you can call the GroupWise.ItemSaveMessageDraft token without the folder path. If no folder is specified, the user is prompted to indicate which folder to use.


        Object API: GroupWise Folder
        For GroupWise 7.0 and later, the Name for the root folder is the User’s Display Name, concatenated with the localized word for home. For example, in GroupWise 6.5, the root folder name for user John Doe is “John Doe.” For GroupWise 7.0, that same root folder is now “John Doe Home.” Your application might need to check the ObjType property of a folder to ensure that it is the true root folder. If it is the root folder, you can access the Owner property of the account, then retrieve the DisplayName of the user from the returned Address object (which is the same string that is used to name the root folder in previous GroupWise versions).

        Hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

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