/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / automatically change email addresses in the address book ‘Frequent Contacts’!

  • Creator
  • #4173

      hello, we want kill our old gateway, but unfortunately we have a problem with historical addresses. e.g. earlier was an emailadress internet:donald.duck@disney.com, today we have the internet addressing and we want change automatically the emailaddress for all useres in our system. e.g. internet:donald.duck@disney.com to donald.duck@disney.com.

      have you a nice tip that we can do it?
      greetings from germany and thanks for your help.

    • Author
    • #7361
      Support 1a

        We don’t have anything off the shelf that does this, but I suspect it wouldn’t be too difficult to write.

        You would access the Frequent Contact address book via the GroupWise.Account.FrequentContacts property, which would give you access to an AddressBook object. You would then run through all the entries in the book, removing the ‘internet:’ component from the email address field. See Novell’s Object API documentation for details.

        This applet would need to be run on each workstation. Alternatively, you could create a Trusted Application applet that could access each mailbox from a central location. See the Language and Developers Guides for more information.

        I hope this helps.


        Advansys Support

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