/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Disabling IE Script Error dialogs

  • Creator
  • #4058

      Is there a way to disable script debugging in the Portal browser?

      I have IE 6.0 SP1 installed. In a standalone browser, the script debugging is disabled. The setting for this is as follows:

      Tools | Internet Options | Advanced | Browsing | Disable script debugging checkbox

      Is there a way to have the Portal browser recognize this setting, in order to suppress script error dialogs?

      Thank You

      John H
      IntelliReach Corp.

    • Author
    • #6983
      Support 1a

        Hello John,

        Unfortunately no, this setting is not exposed to the portal. However, you may be able to do it via the Window registry. For example, see this Google thread.

        I hope this helps.


        Advansys Support


          Thanks, I will try this to confirm it works.

          Also, I believe I have found another way to do this, using the NativeInterface property of the Portal, to access the IWebInterface interface to the browser control.

          IWebInterface implements a property called Silent; setting this True appears to work in suppressing the error dialogs:

          Dim objWeb
          Set objWeb = objPortal.NativeInterface
          objWeb.Silent = False

          Thank You

          John H
          IntelliReach Corp


            Sorry, the code should be as follows:

            Dim objWeb
            Set objWeb = objPortal.NativeInterface
            objWeb.Silent = True

            Thank You

            John H
            IntelliReach Corp

            Support 1a

              Thanks for that hint John!

              Advansys Support

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