Yes, it is possible. The code below will display a message box once a day in the client. We also have a free applet available on GroupWise Cool Solutions, Conditions of Use, which can be configured to display the pop-up terms on a daily, weekly, monthly basis etc.. As with all current applets on GroupWise Cool Solutions, The ‘Conditions of Use’ installer includes the source code.
‘ This sample applet pop-up a message box once a day in the GroupWise client.
‘ INTEGRATION: GroupWise start-up
const IDS_CAPTION = “Formativ Business Solutions”
const IDS_TEXT = “Do not use GroupWise unless you are an authorised user”
' Main-Line processing
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
dim iFSO
dim iFilePath
dim iDateStamp
set iFSO = Utilities.FileSystem
iFilePath = Utilities.GetDataDirectory & "Startup_Log.txt"
' Start-up log file not exists, We display the text, create the file and save the
' today's date.
if not iFSO.FileExists(iFilePath) then
call msgbox (IDS_TEXT, vbExclamation, IDS_CAPTION)
call Utilities.SaveStringToFile(Utilities.DateToISO(Date), iFilePath, TRUE)
exit sub
end if
' We read the date-stamp from the file.
iDateStamp = trim(Utilities.LoadStringFromFile(iFilePath))
if (len(iDateStamp) > 0) then
iDateStamp = Utilities.ISOToDate(iDateStamp)
end if
' We are in the same date but different session (date difference is 0) then we will
' not display the text.
if (DateDiff("d", date, iDateStamp) = 0) then
exit sub
end if
' If we are in different date the display the text and update the date-stamp.
call msgbox (IDS_TEXT, vbExclamation, IDS_CAPTION)
call Utilities.SaveStringToFile(Utilities.DateToISO(Date), iFilePath, TRUE)
set iFSO = nothing
End Sub
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