/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / If-then-else statement , if mail is send local
July 1, 2002 at 6:16 am #3870
We would like to add a Disclamer to mail send externaly. Obviously we don’t want the disclaimer added to mail send insternaly. How do we determine if a mail is send External?
So far we created this:
‘ Add Disclaimer
const OpenFileForReading = 1
Const cExit = 0
Dim NewLineSub Main(Client, GWEvent)
Dim SigFile
Dim Msg
Dim myVar
Dim ListBoxNewLine = Chr(10)
if (…..) then
Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
if GWEvent = “GW#C#REPLY” then
Msg.BodyText = NewLine & GetSignatureText(SigFile) & NewLine & NewLine & Msg.BodyText
Msg.BodyText = Msg.BodyText & NewLine & NewLine & GetSignatureText(SigFile)
end if
Set Msg = nothingend if
End Sub
‘ Read DISCLAIMER as text.
Function GetSignatureText(SigFile)
Dim TextStream
Const Disclaimer = “l:emaildisclaimer.txt”Set FSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set TextStream = FSO.OpenTextFile(Disclaimer, OpenFileForReading)
GetSignatureText = TextStream.ReadAll
Set FSO = nothingEnd Function
Thanks in addvance
July 2, 2002 at 5:34 pm #6449
Please find below an example of disclaimer applet which supports both text and HTML and which checks to see if any outgoing addresses are external. It achieves this by attempting to resolve an address with an embedded ‘@’ sign against the system address book.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Advansys Support
' Formativ Business Solutions
' Disclaimer
' Copyright (c) 2002 Advansys Corporation (www.advansyscorp.com)
' Version 1.0
' This applet appends a disclaimer to the end of the message when the event is
' OnSend. If the message recipients are internal GroupWise system users only,
' then the applet will not add the disclaimer. The disclaimer can be a plain
' text or HTML file (extension must be .htm or .html).
' INTEGRATION: This applet requires integration with OnSend event.
' Notes: If you are using internet addressing, you will need to set the
' DOMAINNAME constant to your company's Internet domain name.
' DOMAINNAME should be your company's Internet domain name, i.e. advansyscorp.com
Const DOMAINNAME = "domainname.com" 'do not prefix the domain name with www.
' Full path to the location of the HTM file
FILENAME = Utilities.GetDataDirectory + "Disclaimer.htm"
' Main line processing
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
Dim Msg
On Error Resume Next
If ValidMsg(Msg) And (GWEvent = "GW#C#SEND") Then
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (FSO.FileExists(FILENAME)) Then
sTo = Msg.To_
sCC = Msg.CC
sBC = Msg.BC
Call GroupWise.FocusSet(9, "")
If CheckExternalEmail(sTo, sCC, sBC) = FALSE Then
If FileType And (GroupWise.EnvEditorStyle = 1) Then
Call GroupWise.SwitchToHTMLView
End If
'Set the position where you want to place the disclaimer.
' To place the disclaimer at the
' top of the message - uncomment the PosTextTop,
' end of the message - uncomment PosToEndOfText
'Call GroupWise.PosTextTop
Call GroupWise.PosToEndOfText
Call GroupWise.Retrieve(FILENAME)
End If
End If
Set FSO = Nothing
End If
End Sub
' Decide whether the file is HTM/HTML or text file?
Function FileType
Dim sFileType
If (Instr(1, FILENAME, ".") <> 0) then
sFileType = Split(FILENAME, ".", -1, 1)
sType = sFileType(UBound(sFileType))
If (UCase(sType) = "HTM") Or (UCase(sType) = "HTML") Then
FileType = TRUE
End If
End If
End Function
' Check any external email addresses which exist in the recipient list
Function CheckExternalEmail(sTo, sCC, sBC)
'To field
If Len(sTo) > 0 then
If ResolveAddress(sTo) = FALSE Then
CheckExternalEmail = FALSE
Exit Function
CheckExternalEmail = TRUE
End If
End If
'CC Field
If Len(sCC) > 0 Then
If ResolveAddress(sCC) = FALSE Then
CheckExternalEmail = FALSE
Exit Function
CheckExternalEmail = TRUE
End If
End If
'BCC Field
If Len(sBC) > 0 Then
If ResolveAddress(sBC) = FALSE Then
CheckExternalEmail = FALSE
Exit Function
CheckExternalEmail = TRUE
End If
End If
End Function
' Resolve Address
Function ResolveAddress(ByVal Recp)
Dim sMail
Dim sEntry
Dim sAddress
Dim sReturnAddr
sAddress = Trim(Recp)
'If the recipient list contains more than one entry and separated by ';' then proceed
If (Instr(1, sAddress, ";") <> 0) Then
sEntry = Split(sAddress, ";", -1, 1)
For x = 0 to UBound(sEntry)
sMail = Trim(sEntry(x))
If MailCheck(sMail) Then
ResolveAddress = TRUE
ResolveAddress = FALSE
Exit Function
End If
If MailCheck(sAddress) Then
ResolveAddress = TRUE
ResolveAddress = FALSE
End If
End If
End Function
' Check for the external mail
Function MailCheck(sMail)
Dim sEmail
If (Instr(1, sMail, "@") = 0) Then
On Error Resume Next
sEmail = GroupWise.AddressBookResolveFullName(sMail)
If (Instr(1, sEmail, "@") <> 0) Then
If (Instr(1, sEmail, DOMAINNAME) = 0) Then
MailCheck = FALSE
MailCheck = TRUE
End If
MailCheck = TRUE
End If
If (Instr(1, sMail, DOMAINNAME) = 0) Then
MailCheck = FALSE
MailCheck = TRUE
End If
End If
End Function
' Do we have a composing item available?
Function ValidMsg(ByRef Msg)
On Error Resume Next
Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
If Msg is Nothing then
ValidMsg = FALSE
ValidMsg = TRUE
End If
End FunctionJanuary 14, 2003 at 5:43 am #6447The script is working perfectly, but sometimes, with some specific users, we get the DISCLAIMER in the middle of the text.
In spite of the fact that we use the line “Call GroupWise.PosToEndOfText”.How can we force the DISCLAIMER to be definitely at the bottom of our email?
January 14, 2003 at 2:24 pm #6452I’m not sure why this would happen. It could be a timing issue related to the focus. Try inserting a FocusSet() command (i.e set the focus to the body text) immediately before the “Call GroupWise.PosToEndOfText” line.
Advansys Support
October 14, 2003 at 12:59 pm #6454AnonymousAdvansys Support Group,
I had been working on this Disclaimer for a few days, it was working great until last friday all of a sudden the appelet started to error on me. I have been using a “html” file for disclaimer. The error is stated as: “The file could not be interpreted as a standard internet message mail”. What does this mean? What do I need to do? I did try to re-create the applet but in vain. Please advise me about the same ASAP. Waiting for your reply.
Thanks for your help.
dkothandaraman@analysts.comOctober 14, 2003 at 5:56 pm #6455GroupWise displays this error for an HTML-formatted message when inserting HTML that is corrupt (or non-standard). The problem here could also be related to the version of GroupWise.
Please send a copy of the HTML disclaimer file, the applet and your Formativ configuration information to the email address below:
(You can access Formativ configuration via the main GroupWise menu: select Help | About Formativ. When the about box appears, select the configuration tab, then press the ‘copy to clipboard’ button. Then paste the contents of the clipboard into the body of your email message.)
Advansys Support
October 15, 2003 at 12:14 pm #6446AnonymousI have already sent the files you had asked. Please let me know whats causing the problem. I’m waiting for your reply before going any forward about the same.
October 15, 2003 at 6:10 pm #6445Thank you for sending the files. I have forwarded them to our engineers.
We will be in touch as soon as we have a resolution for you.
Advansys Support
January 22, 2004 at 2:57 pm #6453AnonymousHaving some problems with this code as written.
sEmail=Groupwise.AddressBookResolveFullName (sMail)
always returns nothing.If we insert the On Error Resume Next then the code continues, always inserting the disclaimer because MailCheck comes back false.
This indicates to me that the Resolution is always throwing an error. It appears when typing the message that the Display Name comes up (resolves), but sending this Display Name to the Groupwise.AddressBookResolveFullName code causes it to fail.
Anything obvious? Does it work on your end. Using GW 6.0.2 and Formativ 1.6. Thanks for whatever you can do.
January 22, 2004 at 10:34 pm #6450Your code uses incorrect syntax for the token AddressBookResolveFullName. A user ID is required as well the full name; use an empty string for the current (logged-in) user. Try the following code:
MsgBox GroupWise.AddressBookResolveFullName("Tendulkar", "")
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
January 23, 2004 at 7:05 am #6448AnonymoussEmail = GroupWise.AddressBookResolveFullName(sMail, “”)
worked like a charm. Thanks.
January 23, 2004 at 1:09 pm #6451Hate to push my luck, but this all seems easy for you. I want to make sure that the disclaimer only gets inserted only once since it is obnoxiously long, so I want to key off of the Send event and search the BodyText of the message for language particular to part of my disclaimer, i.e.”disclaimer/confidentiality”. If the text is found then I don’t want to insert it again.
I don’t see an ItemFindText method in the GroupWise tokens API, so I have tried to simply extract the message body into a variable using the ItemGetText method and then check the variable for “disclaimer/confidentiality.” I am stuck again. Here is my code:
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
Dim FileObj
Dim sMsgOn Error Resume Next
If ValidMsg(sMessage) And (GWEvent = “GW#C#SEND”) Then
Set FileObj = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
call GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsMessage, “”)
‘None of the following 3 work and all I get is a generic ‘an error has occurred at column 0’:
sMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage.BodyText
sMsg = GroupWise.ItemGetText(Client.ClientState.CommandMessage.MessageID, fcsMessage)
sMsg = GroupWise.ItemGetText(Client.ClientState.CommandMessage.MessageID, Message)If (Instr(1, sMsg, “disclaimer/confidentiality”) = 0) Then
msgBox “Did not find disclaimer language”
msgBox “Found the disclaimer language”
‘ End If
Set FileObj = Nothing
End if
End SubLoading the whole Body Text into a variable seems burdensome.
This code might also be handy to be sure that the signature block doesn’t get inserted multiple times. Thanks for whatever you can suggest.
January 26, 2004 at 3:26 pm #6456You can do this in several ways; using a script variable to store the message body is one reasonable option.
Here is another way. Find in the Token API looks for text in the message body. If successful, Find also selects the text. Unfortunately Find does not return True/False. But as the following code shows, we can copy the selected text to the clipboard and do a string comparison.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim iText ' Set up the search text iText = "disclaimer/confidentiality" ' Clear the clipboard Utilities.ToClipBoard("") ' Set the focus to message body and point to the beginning of the first line. call GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsMessage, "") call GroupWise.PosTextTop ' Find the text call GroupWise.Find("", "", iText, _ fsdForward, matSubText, matSubText, matSubText) ' Copy to clipboard call GroupWise.EditCopy If (InStr(1, Utilities.FromClipBoard(), iText, vbTextCompare) > 0) then call MsgBox("Found the disclaimer language.") else call MsgBox("Did not find disclaimer language.") end if --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
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