/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Creator / How to set focus on specific message?

  • Creator
  • #3614


      is it possible to set focus on specific message? It means when I run the applet, Groupwise change the e-mail folder to XXX and show specific message in XXX folder with message ID YYY. I hope You understand what I mean.

      Can You give me an example how to do it, please?

    • Author
    • #5641
      Support 3

        You can select folder using FolderSelect() Token API method, see Token API documentation for more information. Formativ wraps most of the tokens for easy to use, see Formativ Language Guide for more information. Code below select work-in-progress folder in GroupWise:

          groupwise.FolderSelect("Test HomeWork In Progress")  


        and show specific message in XXX folder with message ID YYY

        If you are referring to select the message but not open message view then unfortunately we think no API methods available to select the message. We recommend you to view/post a message in GroupWise forums for another approach. However, you can open the message view using ItemOpen method below.

          call groupwise.ItemOpen("4A0220C8.XXXX.XXXX.100.1697167.1.107B1.1", "")    

        Hope this helps.

        Advansys Support


          Thanks for Your quick reply! Unfortunatelly, ItemOpen method doesn’t help me. I’m developing my own “print message” function (because I need some extra information on printed page comapared to standard print function integrated in GW). I use portal: insert html code of selected message into the portal and then print the portal. I have to show the portal when I want to print it (I didn’t find the way how to do it without showing the portal), but then I want to go back to message. Is it possible?

          Or is there any simplier way? For example print html file (not txt file!) by some easy command: “PrintFile C:Print.html” or somtehing like this? (with standard “select printer” dialog window)

          Thanks in advance!
          Kind regards,

          Support 3

            Have you looked at our free Print Message Cool Solution applet?

            This applet listed as Flexalock version, you won’t able to modify it. If you want to extend its features then we may be able to provide you the source code.

            Unfortunately Novell don’t have any API’s available to print directly from GroupWise.

            Another option you can consider by printing using software that provides a COM interface (i.e. Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, etc). In Formativ, you should be able to automatically create a Word document from the message then print it.

            We have some posts about similar enquiry, how to use Word in Formativ, etc. Please search our forum site to view these posts. Let us know if you have any questions.

            Advansys Support


              Yes I looked at the applet You mentioned few weeks ago, but I need an extra information on it, for example profile name (user who printed the email), exact time when e-mail was printed, etc. Also, there is some problems with Czech language special letters.

              If You provide this source code, it would be great help! Can You do it, please?

              kind regards,

              Support 3

                We can provide the source, if you agree to provide us with any changes that you make to the source. If it is something we feel may be useful to other GroupWise users, we could consider publishing an update to the GroupWise Cool Solutions community.

                Please send a message to support (support@advansyscorp.com) so that we can send the applet to you.

                Advansys Support

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