/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Creator / API not matching documentation

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  • #5577
    Support 3

      ComposingItem is a Formativ wrapper around draft message. Draft message is the composing message which is not sent/saved. Its lets the developer to easily access the draft message properties. In GroupWise, you can access the message properties using the Token API, Object API and SOAP API (GroupWise 7 onwards). Some message properties, you can only access through a specific API (For example, Token API to access the draft message recipients, etc)

      Please see the sample code below of the Token and Object API to access the recipients. As stated below, you can use the Token API to access the recipients for the draft and standard message (i.e. received, sent, etc). Object API to access the recipients of the standard message.

      Token API: http://developer.novell.com/documentation/gwtoken/index.html?gwtokens/data/hj8ej8g5.html.
      Get the recipients from the draft and standard message (i.e. received, sent, etc)

        iMsgID = groupwise.ItemMessageIDFromView
        ' TO
        msgbox groupwise.ItemGetText(iMsgID, 0)
        ' CC
        msgbox groupwise.ItemGetText(iMsgID, 2)
        ' BC
        msgbox groupwise.ItemGetText(iMsgID, 3)

      Object API: http://developer.novell.com/documentation/gwobjapi/index.html?gwobjenu/data/h7ikbsqg.html
      Get the recipients from the draft and standard message.

        Set oMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
        for x = 1 to oMsg.Recipients.Count
          set oRecipient = oMsg.Recipients.Item(x)
          msgbox oRecipient.EmailAddress & vbcrlf & oRecipient.TargetType
          set oRecipient = nothing
        set oMsg = nothing

      Hope this helps.

      Advansys Support


        I’ve tried using the following 6 methods to get <TO>, <BC>, <CC> and none work including your suggested code. Please help.

        Groupwise – 6.5.6 (2/1/2006)
        Formativ – Build

        METHOND 1)

        dim msgid
        msgid = groupwise.ItemMessageIDFromView
        msgbox groupwise.itemgettext(msgid,itfBC)

        METHOD 2)
        dim RecCounter, RecipientEntry, CCRecHolder, BCRecHolder
        dim RecHolder

        If msg.Recipients.count > 0 then
        for RecCounter = 1 to Msg.Recipients.count
        set RecipientEntry = Msg.Recipients.Item(RecCounter)
        ‘ Recipient type of an address
        Select Case RecipientEntry.TargetType
        Case 0 RecHolder = RecHolder & RecipientEntry.EmailAddress & “, “
        Case 1 CCRecHolder = CCRecHolder & RecipientEntry.EmailAddress & “, “
        Case 2 BCRecHolder = BCRecHolder & RecipientEntry.EmailAddress & “, “
        End Select
        set RecipientEntry = nothing
        End if
        msgbox “RecHolder=” & RecHolder
        msgbox “ccRecHolder=” & CCRecHolder
        msgbox “bcRecHolder=” & BCecHolder

        METHOD 3)
        set msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
        msgbox msg.to_ ‘DOES NOT WORK
        msgbox msg.subject’WORKS

        METHOD 4)
        call groupwise.focusset(fcsCC, “”)
        msgbox “char=” & groupwise.envtextcurrentword

        METHOD 5)
        iMsgID = groupwise.ItemMessageIDFromView

        ‘ TO
        msgbox groupwise.ItemGetText(iMsgID, 0)

        METHOD 6) does NOT work for active (DRAFT) object

        Set oMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage

        for x = 1 to oMsg.Recipients.Count
        set oRecipient = oMsg.Recipients.Item(x)
        msgbox oRecipient.EmailAddress & vbcrlf & oRecipient.TargetType
        set oRecipient = nothing

        set oMsg = nothing

        Support 3

          – Is the message is draft (not send or saved) or standard message (received, sent, etc)?
          – How are you executing the code? For example, you need to execute the code “groupwise.ItemMessageIDFromView” when the message view is opened. We recommend to execute the applet from the message Toolbar to access the message ID.

          It could be a problem in your GroupWise client, you may need to upgrade to the latest point release.

          Advansys Support


            The message is whats created when you click ‘New Mail’.

            I’ve also tried using GW 7.0.1 and most recent Formativ.

            Support 3

              Perhaps we are missing something, the example code works in here. Please see below the steps:

              – Create an applet and place the above sample code. Screenshot: http://www.screencast.com/t/lh9cWX3t
              – Set the applet integration to Email toolbar. Screenshot: http://www.screencast.com/t/FDsPnL_K1YW
              – Create a new message in GroupWise client, enter some recipients (To, CC, etc)
              – Run the applet from the message toolbar. Screenshot: http://www.screencast.com/t/gyFWPW2Ww

              Can you reproduce the same behaviour using the steps above?

              Advansys Support



                I tried the suggested steps and still get empty <TO>, <CC>, <BC> in the message boxes… is there a security setting somewhere that is preventing me from getting the values?


                  ARGH. It and the other examples work for certain users… I’m trying to figure out how come some display and others do not.


                    It seems theres a user config conflict with some of the Novell users.

                    The other thing, the msg.to_, msg.bc, msg.cc only return Novell validated users (which is not documented). Trying to figure out why some users are validated and others are not.

                    Support 3

                      We haven’t had any report about this issue. As you said in earlier post, the issue could be related to the security settings in your environment.


                      msg.to_, msg.bc, msg.cc only return Novell validated users (which is not documented)

                      I have forwarded the comments to engineers for review.

                      Advansys Support

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