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  • #3505

      I am at a total loss! I have setup an edirectory distribution of Formative runtime to all of my users. That works fine. I have then installed and registered the Multiple Signature Applet on my machine and publised it to all of my users. They see it fine. I have copied the manifest file for multiple signatures to all of my users. For the first 30 days it worked fine, however, now they are getting a license expired notice and the applet no longer works.

      I don’t want to seem to picky but the process of managing these things in an enterprise enviroment seems a bit difficult. Perhaps I am missing an overview of how all of this is supposed to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    • Author
    • #5287
      Support 2

        Did you copy your product license file to the same location as the manifest file? This will ensure your solution is registered automatically upon GroupWise client startup.

        More information on this can be found in the Introduction and How To Register sections of the users Guide (GroupWise Help | Formativ Help | …. Guide)

        Please let us know if you have any other questions and feel free to write directly to support@REM0VE-THISadvansyscorp.com.


        Advansys Support


          Where would I get the license file from? Or is there a way to deliver the registration using NDS? Is this a simple command line thing that could be run and if so what is the syntax? I have had trouble with formative before and it seems all you guys do is refer me to the documentation. Is that the only support there is? Some detailed answers would really be helpful.


          Support 2

            We have now sent you the license files via direct email. As you purchased online, while registration keys are provided, the license files are not automatically sent by the system. I will include below some additional information below about registration options, manifest and license files, which was sent in our last Advansys newsletter. If you are not signed up for our newsletter service, you can add your address at http://www.advansyscorp.com/contactus.htm#mailinglist.

            At this stage it is not possible to license our software via Novell eDirectory. You will need to ensure that both the Formativ Runtime and Multiple Signatures are registered. You can tell the end-user’s exact registration status via the GroupWise Help | About Formativ | Configuration Tab or by running the Formativ Registration Utility (GroupWise Help | Formativ Registration Utility…).

            Hopefully the license files will assist solve your current need. We are always striving to improve our products and services and we appreciate the feedback you have provided.

            Please let us know if you would like further information or assistance.


            Advansys Support


            To facilitate easier product registration and solution pack support, a number of architectural changes were introduced in Formativ 1.6 which are now used more widely due the expanded Formativ 2.0 solutions range. Key changes are the use of Manifest files and the availability of License files, which are described below. This information is also available in the Formativ help files.

            Manifest Files

            A manifest file is a special file that defines the solutions that appear in a solution pack. Manifest files are necessary because the same applet can appear in more than one solution pack. Normally you don’t need to concern yourself with the operation of manifest files because they are installed automatically by the product’s installation program.

            However, if you are installing Formativ solution packs in an Enterprise and use eDirectory to distribute the solutions, you need to ensure the manifest files associated with each pack are available to your users.

            Default Manifest File Location

            When you install a solution or solution pack, any manifest file is installed to the Formativ System folder. The Formativ system folder location is normally dynamically determined. Its default location is:

            C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0System

            Making Manifest Files Available when using eDirectory

            Formativ currently does not support the distribution of manifest files via eDirectory. If you are using eDirectory to distribute solutions within your enterprise, you need to ensure any associated manifest files are made available to your users. You have several options:

            Defined a Shared Formativ System Folder – when you install Formativ you can optionally specify the location for the System folder through the user of the installer config.ini configuration file. You could use this technique to set the location of the system folder to a shared location on a network. As an Administrator, you would then install the appropriate solution pack(s), then copy the manifest file to the shared system folder.

            See the Installation topic in the Users Guide for information regarding changing the location of the System folder.

            Distribute Manifest Files to All Users – you are also free to manually (or via a distribution tool such as ZENWorks) copy manifest files to each workstation. You need to ensure that you copy the manifest files to the appropriate location (see above).

            License Files

            License files may be used in conjunction with Formativ setup programs to register both Formativ and supported solutions automatically during installation. To use this facility, ensure your license file(s) is/are located in the same folder as the setup program you are executing.

            When you execute a Formativ setup program, which supports automatic license copying (currently all version 2.0 product and solution pack installations supplied by Advansys), the setup program checks for the existence of license files in the same folder as the installer. If found, the license files are copied automatically to the Formativ System directory (see Manifest File section above for location). When the GroupWise client starts, Formativ processes license files found in the System directory automatically.

            For example, suppose you are supplied with a license file called formativ.lic. This license file contains licensing information for both Formativ Runtime and the Formativ Presentation Pack. By ensuring formativ.lic is in the same folder as the Formativ Runtime setup program, it would be copied to the Formativ System directory automatically when the installation runs. When Formativ Runtime is first executed, both Runtime and the Presentation Pack is registered automatically.

            Please Note: Introduced in Formativ, License and Manifest files will also load from the main Formativ program folder, usually C:Program FilesAdvansysFormativ.


            Registration Utility (from the Registration Utility Guide)

            The Registration Utility can be run in Command Line Mode by running the program with the /r- or /l- parameters. The /r- option takes a registration filename and the /l- option takes a license filename as the parameter data. No user interface is displayed in command line mode.

            The file format of the registration file is shown below.

            Command line mode allows batch registration of multiple Formativ products and solutions, either by placing the registration or license file(s) in a shared network location, or by using a program such as Novell ZENworks.

            Running in Command Line Mode

            To run the Registration Utility in Command Line Mode, use the following syntax at the command line:

            frmrmg10.exe /r- or

            frmrmg10.exe /l-


            • ‘registration filename’ is the name of the registration file, a text file which should conform to the format shown in the Registration Utility Guide (if this approach is desired, the product codes would need to be provided via direct email); or
            • ‘license filename’ is a special license file which may be provided by your Formativ reseller or by Advansys.

            Note: If you place the registration or license file(s) in the same location as the Registration Utility, you do not need to provide a fully qualified path to the registration/license file, just supply the filename as the command line parameter.

            Note: Before you can register a Formativ product or solution using this utility, the product(s) to be registered must be already installed on the target workstation.


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